Msc ships get sunk during Rimpac

USNS NIAGARA FALLS and KILAUEA get sunk off Hawaii. Shame, for us older guys these ships were the mainstay of msc for many years. They served well and performed admirably.

The USN proves once more they are great at sinking ships that don’t shoot back.

They could at least have had the EOD guys do a training exercise and whack the props off. There must be a few hundred K worth of taxpayer bronze cluttering up the ocean bottom for no reason at all. But, I suppose it looks better in photographs if all the parts are there, like it was really moving or something and took some skill to hit.

Another example of the DOD “who gives a shit” attitude toward the taxpayer.

[QUOTE=Steamer;76052]They could at least have had the EOD guys do a training exercise and whack the props off. There must be a few hundred K worth of taxpayer bronze cluttering up the ocean bottom for no reason at all. But, I suppose it looks better in photographs if all the parts are there, like it was really moving or something and took some skill to hit.

Another example of the DOD “who gives a shit” attitude toward the taxpayer.[/QUOTE]

Why didn’t they sell them for scrap? Oh no - that’s too much trouble - only you commercial people need to do that.

I took the last trip on the Killer. We offloaded the then USS Bridge on her way home from last USS deployment prior to conversion. 2000+ loads in one day, 0600 to 2400. Stripped that bitch in one day! I did a trip on the Falls in 2000-2001. I had the pleasure of having the legendary Swede Henrikson as my roommate. What a fountain of stories, historical knowledge, seamanship and general BS he was! Rest easy, both vessels and Swede.

[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;76057]Why didn’t they sell them for scrap? Oh no - that’s too much trouble - only you commercial people need to do that.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing. Heck even scrap steel is fetching 11 cents a pound. There is some labor to chop it up and fuel to deliver it to the scrapyard but come on, I bet the total scrap value has got to be over a million bucks.

Costs alot to tow it but they have been scrapping a ton of ships from the moth ball in the bay area.

The best way to scrap a ship is to load it with scrap steel and steam her up onto the beach at high tide in India. They have the super cheap labor to take it from there. No OSHA, Worker’s Comp, or EPA either.

[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);76049]USNS NIAGARA FALLS and KILAUEA get sunk off Hawaii. Shame, for us older guys these ships were the mainstay of msc for many years. They served well and performed admirably.

The USN proves once more they are great at sinking ships that don’t shoot back.[/QUOTE]

Old guys, hell! I remember when they were active duty USS ships!

i know about that my ride is in chittagong right now… crew got a lil nervous when they heard that are bound for chittagong with no word on any loads after… fits in right the ship was laid in 1980…gettin near its end

Wow, I sailed on both the Falls and the Killer in the mid 90s during my first gig as an civmar. Thanks for posting the pics!

Too bad they didn’t sink’em about 14,900 feet shallower.

I know ESCO was making good money on the ships we towed in there!

[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);76049]The USN proves once more they are great at sinking ships that don’t shoot back.[/QUOTE]

Ain’t that the truth! Each ship was worth well over $3M in scrap. $6M that just got wasted to what? What did sinking two valuable ships accomplish? That the Navy can sink drifting ships and to get some freakish photos?

Btw, isn’t that pollution on the surface in that one photo? FUCK THE NAVY!

Esco in Brownsville makes back their money on the ships hull alone. All of the copper wire, brass fittings etc make their profit.

or vice versa, anyway Esco makes lots of money doing what they do.

An Australian sub sank the KILAUEA. Are you fucking kidding me?

The former USS Kilauea is the latest ship sunk as part of the Rim of the Pacific exercises in and around the Hawaiian Islands.

The ammunition ship commissioned in 1968 went down in water nearly 15,500 feet deep 63 miles off the coast of Kauai this morning, sunk by an Australian submarine.

Australian Commodore Stuart Mayer, Combined Forces Maritime Component commander for RIMPAC, said the “HMAS Farncomb’s success reminds us yet again of the invaluable role submarines play in modern warfare.”

[QUOTE=Mikey;76230]An Australian sub sank the KILAUEA. Are you fucking kidding me?[/QUOTE]

There is something so unbelievably pompous with fucking Naval officers (especially admirals) Just a bunch of effing self important prima donas playing with multibillion dollar toys with the grunts and the dogs having to do all the dirty work.

Have I mentioned yet how much I loathe the Navie?

Careful c.captain, you’re starting to sound like Peter Brown.

Well, perhaps the USN is not so good at sinking ships. Further word is that KILAUEA put up a good fight. Seems she took a number of hits and didn’t sink. She kept drifting within the 50 mile distance off land security area and had to be towed out. Perhaps the USN was doing such a bad job the RAN had to come in and get the job done?

[QUOTE=c.captain;76240]There is something so unbelievably pompous with fucking Naval officers (especially admirals) Just a bunch of effing self important prima donas playing with multibillion dollar toys with the grunts and the dogs having to do all the dirty work.[/QUOTE]

I was called into active duty and found navy life a bit stuffy. Most of us junior officers were USNR types and we all got along well, but the senior ranks, all being USN types, some of whom thought they could walk on water, often made life miserable. Don’t know about the flag ranks, never was involved with the Admirals but there were stories, some good, some bad. I took my Honorable after “completion of required service” and never looked back.

[QUOTE=c.captain;76240]Have I mentioned yet how much I loathe the Navie?[/QUOTE]

You were there too?

[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);76304]Well, perhaps the USN is not so good at sinking ships. Further word is that KILAUEA put up a good fight. Seems she took a number of hits and didn’t sink. She kept drifting within the 50 mile distance off land security area and had to be towed out. Perhaps the USN was doing such a bad job the RAN had to come in and get the job done?[/QUOTE]

Oh my goodness