MSC proposed CIVMAR crewing model - implementation

It’s here.

Below is an updated ‘draft’ with implementation to begin 07 January 2019. Crew of the subjugated ships have confirmed the expected commencement of this program. Notable changes includes EVERS replacing HUMPHREYS, a crew notification period was mentioned, a projected augment list is now included, and a timeline has been added.


  1. Executive Summary. This document describes a pilot CIVMAR crewing model intended to test the concept of assigning crewmembers to a vessel for two years. The pilot program will run for a duration of 12 months. The principal difference between this proposal and the present CIVMAR assignment model is that under the current model CIVMARS are assigned to ships by Marine Placement Specialists (MPS) for a minimal period of four months. MPS coordinate with the ship to manage leave, training and replacements for crewmembers who have completed their minimum four-month assignment. During the pilot, crewmembers will be assigned to the ship for a period of 12 months and all leave and training will be managed by the ship’s Master. To facilitate the decentralization of crew management from the MPS to the ship’s Master, the ship will be allocated a portion of the CIVMAR pipeline which will be assigned to the ship.

  2. Proposal. For this crewing pilot, USNS MEDGAR EVERS and USNS PECOS will be used to “pilot” this concept with the goal for each ship to function independently of MPS with the exception of emergencies. The ship’s Master will manage the personnel readiness of his command to include leave and training. MPS will support as needed, but generally will not interfere with the Master’s management of the crew. The following parameters will apply:

a. The pilot program will run for a duration of twelve months. If successful, the expectation is that crew members will serve aboard ships for two year tours.

b. The participating ships will be manned to 115% of the Ship’s Manning Scale for the duration of the pilot.

i. USNS PECOS – The ship is currently assigned to 7th Fleet and is authorized a crew complement of 89 personnel to support 5-STA manning. For the duration of the pilot, the ship’s manning scale will be adjusted to 102 personnel.

ii. USNS MEDGAR EVERS – The ship is currently assigned to 6th Fleet and is authorized a crew complement of 129 personnel to support 5-STA manning. For the duration of the pilot, the ship manning scale will be adjusted to 148 personnel.

iii. CONUS – During the pilot, if either ship returns CONUS the manning scale will be adjusted as follows:

  1. USNS PECOS – Authorized CONUS crew complement is 74 to support 3-STA manning. For the pilot, manning will be adjusted to 85 personnel.

  2. USNS MEDGAR EVERS – Authorized CONUS crew complement is 121 to support 4-STA manning. For the pilot, manning will be adjusted to 139 personnel.

c. The existing crew of each ship will remain assigned to the ship for a period of 12 months. Newly reporting crew members will be informed of the pilot duration by the MPS during the detailing process.

d. The ship’s Master will have authority granted within Navy Regulations and MSC Policy to manage the crew as necessary to maintain:

i. Ships Readiness and Operational demands

ii. Crew Leave and morale

iii. Good Order and Discipline

e. Director, Total Force Manager (TFM) will continue to support the Master as needed, and will maintain manpower ashore to replace personnel that require permanent removal from the ship.

f. MSC policies regarding overdue relief will not be applicable during the pilot. However, leave may be granted at the discretion of the Master. Waivers will be considered on a case by case basis with final approval resting with the Director, TFM.

g. MSC policy directing members to be onboard a ship for a minimum of four months prior to receiving ship’s funded leave is suspended for the pilot. However, travel authorization will be limited to twice per year; both of which can be combined with training.

h. All travel associated with AMCROSS messages will remain IAW the Joint Travel Regulations.

i. The Master or his/her designee will work with the N12 CIVMAR Training Department to obtain quotas for any required training. All tuition cost associated with training will be the responsibility of Director, TFM.

j. Employees and their supervisors are mutually responsible for requesting and managing leave to mitigate forfeiture of accumulated annual leave in excess of 360 hours. Employees shall maintain all documentation of scheduled and subsequently disapproved leave for the duration of the pilot. Documentation for annual leave eligible for restoration will be submitted to no later than 2 February 2019 for restoration approval by the Director TFM. HRA 2018 -1 Restoration of Forfeited Annual Leave for Year 2018 refers.

k. The Director TFM is responsible for managing the pilot and will be the focal point for the collection of metrics and lessons learned.

l. In cases where the Master and/or designated Deck Officers are performing Purser duties, they will be compensated in accordance with CMPI 610 Section 4.26.

m. In normal cases, personnel attending training greater than 14 days in duration are detached from the ship, however for the duration of the pilot, these personnel will remain attached to the ship.

n. In cases where personnel are temporarily promoted or filling a higher position to facilitate leave and/or training, the members pay will be the higher rate of either their permanent position or the position assigned. CMPI 610 Section 4-1.a.6. applies for all temporary position changes within the same rating.

o. Crew notification of the pilot program will begin on 01 NOV 2018. After notification, current crew members will have the option to be relieved from the ship prior to implementation of the pilot on 01 JAN 2019. Once the pilot begins, crew members assigned will be expected to remain onboard for the duration of the pilot period, barring any unforeseen emergencies.

  1. Requirements for Relief of Key Personnel. Temporary promotions will be coordinated with Director, TFM to ensure the individual meets the qualifications for the position and that personnel actions are processed accordingly.

a. COMSC retains the sole authority to temporarily promote Masters and Chief Engineers.

b. N12 retains the authority to approve all other temporary promotions IAW current policy and regulations.

  1. Distribution of Additional Personnel:


  • Second Officer (1)
  • Third Officer (1)
  • Third Engineer (1)
  • Electronic Technician (1)
  • YNSK (1)
  • CRET (1)
  • Boatswain Mate (1)
  • 2nd Electrician (1)
  • Engine Utility (3)
  • Assistant Cook (1)
  • Supply Utility (4)
  • 1st RET (1)
  • AB (2)


  • Third Officer (1)
  • Third Engineer (1)
  • 2nd Electrician (1)
  • YNSK (1)
  • CRET (1)
  • Boatswain Mate (1)
  • Engine Utility (1)
  • Assistant Cook (1)
  • Reefer Engineer (1)
  • Wiper (1)
  • AB (2)
  • Supply Utility (1)
  1. Plan of Action and Milestones
    Task / Due Date / Comments
  • Union Notification / 25 OCT 2108 / Typically 14 calendar day reply period
  • Union Negotiation Period / VARIES / Variable by Union
  • Official Notification to Ships / 01 NOV 2018
  • N1 Brief to COMSC / 06 NOV 2018
  • N12 Crew ships to 115% / 15 DEC 2018
  • Implementation / 01 JAN 2019
  • 3 Month Review / 01 APR 2019 N1 Staff Review
  • 6 Month Review / 01 JUL 2019 N1 Staff, Union Review
  • 9 Month Review / 01 OCT 2019 N1 Staff Review
  • Pilot Review Out brief / 15 DEC 2019
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Now that we have a draft manning level and not an aspirational target of 115% manning let’s look at how often someone could go on leave assuming the ship does not sail shorthanded.

I have made groups of who I think who could relieve who in the best of conditions. For example, third mates, second mates and chief mate could relieve each other. In reality if no third or second mate has a chief mate license or a top secret clearance then the chief mate is stuck. Or if no one but the cargo mate is a tankerman PIC or gas free engineer then the cargo mate is stuck.

The only conclusion is the mariner will get screwed either individually by not going on leave, or collectively by taking up the slack when shorthanded.


Deck officers: 6 +1 augment; one month off every 7 months.(Deck officers now get two months of paid/unpaid leave, so at that rate the officer gets 2 months off every 14 months.)

Deck unlicensed: 32 +3 augments; one month off every 11.6 months.

Engine officers: 6 officers +1 augment; one month off every 7 months.(Engine officers now get two months of paid/unpaid leave, so at that rate the officer gets 2 months off every 14 months.)

Engine unlicensed: 15 +5 augments; one month off every 4 months.

Supply: 4+1 augment; one month off every 5 months.

Steward: 15+2 augments; one month off every 8.5 months.

Comms: 4+1 augment; one month off every 5 months.

Not considered: Master, CHENG, SCO, SUPPO, MSO, Purser, OSC.


Deck officers: 8+2 augments; one month off every 5 months.(Deck officers now get two months of paid/unpaid leave, so at that rate the officer gets 2 months off every 10 months.)

Deck unlicensed: 42+3 augments; one month off every 15 months.

Engine officers: 8+1 augment; one month off every 9 months.(Engine officers now get two months of paid/unpaid leave, so at that rate the officer gets 2 months off every 18 months.)

Engine unlicensed: 20+6 augments; one month off every 4.3 months.

Supply: 13+1 augment; one month off every 14 months.

Steward: 25+6 augments; one month off every 5.2 months.

Comms: 6+2 augments; one month off every 4 months.

Not considered: Master, CHENG, SCO, SUPPO, MSO, Purser, OSC.

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This will fail spectacularly.

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Thanks for the breakdown. This is hilariously bad.

The scant time off is supposed to cover training too, “travel authorization will be limited to twice per year”, and no overdue pay.

I hope we get a weekly breakdown on how this progresses from some brave souls onboard.

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One month every 11.6 months? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

So if you are on a ship you hate with people you hate or more likely, hate you…you will just have to suffer in silence like a real man…along with your seething anger and dispair, a growing collection of sharp knives and ball peen hammers, anime porn, and a daily 5th of Jack Daniels.


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Where do the unions stand on this?

ah ok…so it’ll be like being in the regular Navy then

Except for the fifth of Jack Daniels. That might pose a problem.

Available OT will suffer with all the extra hands on board.

Less pay and less time off. I hope someone is paying attention to % increase in 107’s aboard these ships for the duration of the pilot.

107 is not going to work. You will be sent back after the “Medical” issue clears.

Man up ya wimps!



How exactly does a 1 year pilot adaquetly test a 2 year crewing model?

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That’s exactly the point, trying to bring MSC into the Navy.

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They are trying to set up goldilocks conditions it to make it appear as successful as possible on paper.

It would seem at a glance that the pilot is to see If leave and training etc can be managed in house aka onboard the ship rather than parlaying it to the gross incompetence ashore?