MMP Local 333?

Heard a rumor that 333 delegates are passing out MMP pan-flits and there having an upcoming vote on removing the UMD and going with MMP. Anyone else have info on this??

I haven’t heard anything. I’ll poke around and kick some tires this week and see what I can come up with.

that would be awesome.

I actually called the hall yesterday looking for some info but got no answer.

MMP’s United Inland Group is a whole different beast than being in the real MMP. Just something to think about.

[QUOTE=50thState;135180]MMP’s United Inland Group is a whole different beast than being in the real MMP. Just something to think about.[/QUOTE]

No doubt about that. Just ask the MMP Inland guys at Crowley on the West Coast.

What are the differences?

Little things like pay, benefits, training/access to MITAGS etc.

in my opinion mmp united inland group amounted to taxation without representation.

Really? Well hopefully Local 333 isnt moving to the inland group.

What kind of jobs do they represent? Anything workboat and I’d say it’s a safe bet you’re not joining the Offshore Group

Tugs, barges, and ferries

Just heard that Local 333 would go into the Inland division of MMP. Thats if the members vote it in.

Is UMD Local 333 being taken over by MMP?

Harold Daggett and his gang at the ILA hijacked UMD Local 333 back in October of 2011 by imposing some bogus trusteeship on the Union. The past president had been soundly defeated in three separate elections and could not regain control of 333 by fair election. Instead, the almighty at the ILA interceded on his behalf and threw out the duly-elected president, albeit a dopey incompetent president, and imposed their trusteeship in order to “rescue the union”.

Today, Local 333 is in worse financial shape than ever and the trusteeship is still in effect. Rumor suggest the ILA has to give-up the trusteeship by October 2014, and an alliance between ILA-MMP and Local 333 is in the works for the near-future of Local 333.

Any News?

[QUOTE=NYBoatman;136645]Just heard that Local 333 would go into the Inland division of MMP. Thats if the members vote it in.[/QUOTE]

Would Local 333 continue to exist as a union with free elections of officers every 3 years or is this some scheme to save the jobs of Tucker, Riordan and Roura? Their chances of re-election are highly questionable and their pay amounts to nothing more than welfare for the lazy and unskilled.

[QUOTE=ClutchCargo;136745]Would Local 333 continue to exist as a union with free elections of officers every 3 years or is this some scheme to save the jobs of Tucker, Riordan and Roura? Their chances of re-election are highly questionable and their pay amounts to nothing more than welfare for the lazy and unskilled.[/QUOTE]

While MMP Inland really sucks, it probably isn’t as bad as Local 333. MMP Inland would be strengthened by the addition of 333. There are too many maritime unions bidding against each other in a race to provide employers with the lowest wages. A much smaller number of stronger unions would be a good thing. Just look at the longshoremen, only two unions in the US ------, ILA and ILWU.

Local 333 would no longer be apart of the UMD. It would be directly under the MMP, with all the perks of MMP. I assume once everyone votes for the MMP there would be an election of officials.

[QUOTE=tugsailor;136749] A much smaller number of stronger unions would be a good thing. Just look at the longshoremen, only two unions in the US ------, ILA and ILWU.[/QUOTE]

I’ve been preaching this for 30+ years. 1 union for seamen, 1 union for officers. The problem is: the leaders of the unions will NEVER give up the power. The best interests of the working man/woman are not in their “best interest”.

Ye they are, got them right here