I finally after many years of research have gotten myself out on the water working on the ferries in San Francisco. Long story short I’ve been diagnosed with gout in my foot and need to take a lifelong medicine to quell the uric acid level. This SHOULD make the flare ups a non factor,and they’re so few as is I’m not really worried about it. What I AM worried about is if I ever want to sail blue water or tugs, is this a medicine (allupurinol) that I can take with me? I know the medicine list is continually dwindling. If anyone knows where to find it I’d appreciate it. Also I’m worried about being able to renew my mmc when the time comes because of these issues. If anyone knows I’d like to hear. Thanks a bunch.
Check out NVIC 04-08
[QUOTE=dredgeboater;166429]Check out NVIC 04-08[/QUOTE]
Thanks man…I’ll look at it more in depth later but it SEEMS like I’m probably ok. If anyone else knows anything about that or sails with gout or urric acid build up I’d be curious to hear any tips.