I have a friend that got his mate of towing 500 ton. He sailed near constantly to get his Masters license. When he got his Masters license it says 500 ton Master and 500 ton mate of towing. Anyway his real concern is that it doesnt say Master of towing. I wasnt sure why not either, since his year of sea time after he got his mates license was on the same vessel. Anyone have any insight? Was this just something they forgot to add, or did he have to do 30 days after getting his license or is he missing some larger step? Thanks
Did he specify “master of towing” on his application when he upgraded to master, or just “master 500t”?
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Im not sure. Thats what i was thinking.
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That was my thought too. The NMC only gives you what you ask for.
Turns out the Coast Guard made the error and quckly fixed it when it was reviewed.