I’m looking to speak to people involved with either the selection and purchasing of maritime training resources and training DVDs, or those that watch them during their training or onboard their vessel.
I work for a UK company that produces maritime training films, and we’re keen to make sure that we’re producing films that are both:
(a)suitable for shipping companies and training bodies to use
(b)educational and entertaining to those that watch them
If anyone has any thoughts on this subject, feel free to join in the discussion. We’ve just made a film on the safety issues surrounding lifeboat drills but would particularly like comments on what other topics you feel need to be covered in the future. Also, I’d appreciate your views, good and bad, of either our products (if you’ve used them) or other training films.
We make a specific point of trying to make our films a little more entertaining than the competition, as a common complaint of training films is that they can be a little ‘dry’, but I’d like to get feedback from those that matter - the seafarers that we’re trying to help train, and those that supply them with their training resources.
Any input would be very helpful.