A new year, a new pay survey. I say ‘limited license’ companies because I’m mostly interested in companies that don’t require all unlimited licenses. e.g.: tugs, many OSV, fishing boats, etc.
Because there are so many ways a mariner can get pay, I encourage posters to break the confusion of overtime etc. down into a typical, all-in day-rate, if possible.
I’ll go first:
Coastal Transportation Inc.: Operates Aleutian Trade act fish tenders (essentially, refrigerated coastal freighters). The median pay shown here are numerical medians, which skews toward the mariners with the highest seniority. Because of longevity raises, an officer with 20-30 years employment makes much more for the same job than a new-hire.
Deck license are typically 1600-tons/3000-ton fishing, but on some boats 500-ton is ok. Other than this, the size of the license and schooling have no bearing on pay. (CTI does have several people with unlimited licenses.)
Captains Numerical Median 1025/day
No starting pay given as all captains are all promoted from within.
Chief Engineer Numerical Median 817
Most chiefs have a DDE license.
Chief Mate: Top pay is about the same as lower-tenure captains.
Numerical Median Pay 809
Second Mate High 766 day*
Numerical Median 651/day
Entry level, green, no AK experience: 550 day
(*Note: ‘Second mate’ doesn’t refer to the specific license. It is just the ‘other mate’ aboard. Most voyages here don’t legally require two mates to be aboard, but company policy encourages it. The two mates aboard may each have 20-years with the company, and each make more than the captain does. More often, an experienced mate is paired with a less experienced mate, and there is quite a difference in how much each makes.)
AB High 555/day
Numerical Median 480
Entry level, green, no AK experience 360
401k: company matches 36.5% on whatever employee contributes.
Company pays for airfare.