Pretty good article, if you haven’t read it already, on Master’s authority and the need to protect it.
If the powers the be really wanted to protect the master’s authority they would do it. For example protect the master from being fired without cause.
The reason for the current system is it works. Captain does what he is told or risks being fired, the people running the show get to dodge responsibility if things go wrong. Why would anyone (except mariners) want to change that system?
It is a great article and should be required reading by all students. It is not surprising that the article came from Germany.
In German tradition " Der Kapitan ist Koenig ". The Captain is King. I worked for a German company for a number of years and the master of a ship was on the same level in the company organisation table as a marine superintendent and answered directly to the heads of department. I also had a sizeable amount of US $ available if I needed it and was expected to have the judgement to spend it in the company’s interest.
If I made a judgement call that cost the company money I submitted my reasons and was never questioned.
Must be nice, I can’t even buy new extension cords on the company card without the go ahead from the office first.
You’ve got a company credit card?? Must be nice…
It would be if they’d just give me a budget instead of this “mommy may I?” bullshit.
PS, I’m saving that one to send as an attachment with any quote I send in to the office now too.