MARAD MOS - Need to update

Any US mariners (especially @jdcavo) know how to get NMC to update your records with MARAD?? It looks like the last records they have on me are for when I left AMO 15 years ago based on the discharges I see on the Sea Service tab.

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Not really. All I know is periodically MARAD gets a copy of NMC’s database. Have you been checking the consent to share data with MARAD when you upgrade or renew? If not, that’s the problem. If so, I have no idea why.

Yup, been checking the box. Who knows. We all know MARAD is short on the resources they need. Just was wondering if there was a path to getting a person’s data updated through USCG.

I just logged in to check what they have for me. It says for me that the information is based on data from USCG Merchant Mariner database of 4/14/2014. That is coincidentally the same year MARAD stopped posting any updated data on academies. I really think MARAD just stopped trying in 2014 - if not before.

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I didn’t even know that was a real thing. I thought it was another government program created to waste ink & fill empty spaces on pieces of paper. I guess it does exist, at least it did up until 2014?

Same…I have “checked the box” since '94 and according to website I need to give my “consent to participate”. Everything stops in 2014 …and no current data on my license/STCW endorsements, either.

If that is par for the course, they are (unsurprisingly) operating with a multitude of false assumptions about the number of available mariners much less how to contact them.

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Marad not updating the info is like every other mariner organization-built to be 30 years too old or irrelevant.

Edit: there is a help number you can call. Im on the phone now so we will see where this goes.

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So I called after registering my information in the MOS website. It had my address from years ago. I could update that, but not my license or professional certs. After getting a call back from the DOT, where they insisted I could not update my information because I was using firefox instead of chrome or IE, I told them that there was no way to update, edit, or modify my license information. She said she would email me additional resources. Still have not recieved those.

MARAD seems more and more like an “retired admiral employment agency” every day.


Maybe your call did some good. I just checked the system again and it has been updated with information based on data from the USCG Merchant Mariner Licensing and Documentation database as of 7/10/2019 (as opposed to 2014 just a couple of days ago).

Strange though, mine says the same thing, but it is data that’s older than that from when I renewed just before I got my Master Unlimited in 2017. Who knows.

I checked, my credentials were in there. Guess they updated it. Who knew!

I’m surprised that you cared enough to reach out and contact MARAD. If I don’t absolutely have to talk to a government agency, I usually choose not to. I’m also surprised someone did something about your issue.

It is. I heard the lady on the other end of the phone and didn’t think much. TBH the whole system looks like it was someone’s project until they had bigger and better projects to work on.

MARAD is just one big disappointment. I’ve seen them post stuff on instagram bragging about Operation Pacer goose (Thule Greenland) when they posted a picture of McMurdo in Antarctica.

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