M/V Dali - What about the reported power loss while in port?

The question is why is the report of a blackout while alongside not being discussed, meaning on this forum presumably.

I’ve given the reason why it makes sense to me not to discuss it. Seems that the chances of it being correct are very low.

Chief Makio also did not bring it up on his video, perhaps for the same reason. Many of the comments at his channel do mention it, apparently assuming it’s a verified fact.

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It is all over our local AM station though. How much do you trust “Bill the Longshoreman” who said the power kept going out is another question.

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Thank You

See below from the other thread:


Your drawing is good and your explanation seems plausible.

Reading the posts here I am thankful to be retired and to have been master of a ship chartered to Maersk a long time ago.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Ships operated by M.L.L, USA, or to ships on time charter to Maersk Line internationally?

Anyone that wants to discuss is welcome to.

Going to have to make an initial assumption about what happened and then the discussion would branch out depending on what set of assumptions are made after that.

Update: Anyone who does want to discuss the possibility of problems before sailing should start a new thread, this one’s been thoroughly hijacked.

Well , i am still hesitant as I have not found yet any comment supporting or refuting clearly such hypotesis except yours and a gent who was commenting in Splash247 comment section .

But I am not sure if this particular person has nautical experience /background.

Have hoped Ausmariner or other pilots serving/retired to say sth or classify it as total BS.

Source: Splash247 -Industrial Jenga: the battle to reopen Baltimore port

Has the USCG arrested anyone ( being all foreigners) or not saying yet?

As of a day or two ago the crew were all still on the ship. I guess they could take off swimming if they really wanted to leave.

They may. Pls see the case of Zim Mexico III. The master was arrested for involuntary manslaughter as during the incident the colapsing crane killed one service technician.

The case turned out to be a technical malfunction ( a glitch that originated from shipyard) . The master was later on released thanks to an orchestrated campaign of interested parties.

In case of Dali we have 7 people killed.,

The vessel must be run and it is not a cold lay up. There is a very serious investigation going and it is a long and paintsainking process. There are already voices especially in India claiming the crew is “trapped”, that they are undergoing great postaccident “trauma” .Spin doctors and appologists are already on full ahead sea speed there, like they were in the case of bulk carrier Wakashio.

The crew must stay where they are untill investigators and legal teams are done.

Remember that cruise ship where the USCG locked up the incoming German CH Eng and Captain as the crew had flown out but there was an oil book issue. I dont think the 2 had ever worked on that ship.
German gov got involved and the best they got was out of prison and to a hotel.
A year or 2 later the judge said sorry you can go as your not involved.

I know lots of expats that said we will never take a ship to the USA ever again.

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There are other reasons I hate to bring the ship to USA and USCG is not among them .We had some minor issues but i feel very highly about USCG .

As far as I am concerned this is the only PSC that can take really effective action against rouge owners/managers and my almost whole sea experience was working with such owners representing cover up & pathological cultures as far as safety and ISM code was concerned.
USCG has helped me more then harmed me as even when I came with a ship which was a disaster but they saw you made a huge effort to correct it with crew with whatever means available , they have always excercised some kind of leniency appreciating your affort. I have never been detained on eny US cost and always welcomed USCG visit due to their fairness. I am absolutely positive abt USCG .

But I HATE and hate is not describing well my true feelings towards your longshormen/stevedors. This lot is the worst of all, the true effing champions schooled and trained to perfection by Saul Alinsky shake down methods.


If you have committed an offense who does the charging and prosecuting?

You mean offence in USA. ???


Semper Paratus

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Well the answer is rather simple. Every foreign flagged vessel by entering terirtorial and/or navigable waters of littoral state is succumbing voluntarily to the laws and jurisdictions of that littoral state according to UNCLOS.

Hence Your PSC =USCG is identifying the crime via investigation and presenting the case for further consideration to Your legal machinery -state or federal.

I have read many Court decisions from dedicated websides concerning mostly Marpol violations. What i appreciate about USCG and Your legal system is that You are the only country where there is an understanding that Marpol violations are in majority of cases done by Engineers and they are mostly targeted .

Although i know about one Lawyer of Greek extraction based i believe in NYK who is challenging such interpretations and honestly speaking He may win as there is no requirement for the cheng to sign the Oil Record book but there is a requirement , that it be signed by the master.

Well I have a banner here prompting me to stop answering - the big eye in the sky - :wink: watchin us both . Hence we need to split. Cheers.

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A 1928 song of the same name is also used as the U.S. Coast Guard’s official march, and the phrase appears on the organization’s flag.

I feel like i will start marching :wink: now