I remember the newspaper photos when it happened. I was five.
Wow, I didn’t realize that she was still afloat. . .
She’s not even down on her marks. I read they did have to jettison some fresh water to get her back in trim. One compartment flooded.
Five members of Stockholm’ s crew were killed instantly, and several more were trapped in the wrecked bow. Despite its having lost about 3 ft (0.9 m) of freeboard, the crippled Stockholm helped in the rescue and ended up carrying 327 passengers and 245 crew members from Andrea Doria , in addition to her own passengers and crew. After Andrea Doria sank, Stockholm sailed to New York City under her own power and arrived on July 27. There, the crushed bow portion was repaired at a cost of US$1 million three months later.
The ‘Stockholm’ had a very strong hull, built to enter the Baltic Sea in winter; this was a reason why she cut into the ‘Andrea Doria’ like a knive.
Around 1990 she was completely rebuilt up from the waterline, to be used as a ‘modern’ cruise ship.
My mind is officially blown…
The damn Stockholm still lives?! Crazy
The collision offers an interesting perspective on what was to be described as the world’s first major radar assisted collision at sea.
Here is a great (although somehat technical) analysis that is based on radar plotting:
Thanks for that link, PortofDC! I, too was 5 when that happened, though I don’t remember it being talked about in my world at the time I’m also amazed the Stockholm is still afloat.
And I’ve found myself in a similar position out on the water (as I expect many have) - a boat a mile or two ahead (MY or fisherman, so no AIS to ID them) showing me a bit of their starboard side appears fine on my starboard bow. I turn to port to give them some room, only to see them a few minutes later turn to starboard to cross my bow and pass port-port. I used to fume about this, but now I just turn immediately 12-18 degrees to starboard to make it clear I’m OK with this pass. Most yachts (especially the medium-big ones that are probably owner-operated instead of licensed) then turn back to port to pass close to me again (arghh!). I suspect if I was big iron they wouldn’t, but a sailboat (me) doesn’t concern them, so passing 50-100 feet away is fine by them (not me).