Looking to interview marine engineers for senior project

I’m in my last year of high school and for our senior project we get to interview two people in a career of our choice. I’ve chosen marine engineering and was wondering if anyone in the OC/LA area could assist. I can drive to a starbucks or something near your place. I’ll pay for your drink for the help :grinning: Thank you

Mariners, at least authentic licensed ones are a small segment of the world. Ask for their license # so you can verify it at the National Maritime Center. Good Luck!, I think you’ll cover more ground asking questions of several via the phone or if you’re concise you could submit a few here on this forum… a few at a time extended over as long as practical.
If you get any bs answers on here someone will spot it instantly.
Jim, CME Limited Oceans

You could call the MEBA union hall in LA or contact a seaman’s center…

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I agree you might do better with a call or skype interview. PM me and I’ll connect you with friends of my mine from NY

Skype would be great too, PM’d