Yeah I’m really trying to decide which route to go here… Union or non union. I also don’t want to get stuck in a harbor doing assist work, I’d like to get the Near Coastal time for upgrading my licenses. Crew change and travel issues is a consideration. I live in New England about 3 hours from NYC. Interesting Bouchard is the top pay for ABs…
You should totally go to bouchard.
Take the job at Bouchard. They have good equipment and are building more. They have some contracts in the northeast, even more down in the gulf, and primarily run offshore with intercon equipped atb’s that ride pretty decent.
If your eager to learn, listen, and follow directions you will do just fine. If you have a strong work ethic, you will do just fine. Stay away from any drama and you will do just fine. The pay is pretty good and the benefits aren’t the best, but they’re not bad either. You will get plenty of experience for sure and you’ll always have a steady paycheck.
They have some issues just like any other company. I haven’t seen a perfect company yet, but some do come a lot closer than others.
[QUOTE=OBXmariner;147940]So let me get this right, the good men and women that have and still operate as United Maritime Division Local 333 are considered "bozos " to you?[/QUOTE]
Z Drive is speaking of the three useless charity cases who show up at the decrepit union hall to pose as delegates and whatever job description that Tucker is using these days. The hard working men and women support these three waste of skin through their dues payments. The three are nothing more than ILA stooges who do more to represent the boat companies than the membership.
Maybe the members will finally get some real kind of real representation with different people at the helm. The three stooges can clean heads, mop floors, clean windows, etc. It would be the first real work they have performed in a decade!
Any word on how RTBU is doing? Don’t dare ask any I those guys as they usually seem to be chronically depressed; I don’t need to cause anyone to lose it.
So with this change of unions, what exactly are you getting different?
one small thing to point out that I personally observed was that those three people you are referring to were ELECTED representatives of the smart men and women of the UMD Local 333. The reason they were in office and the troubles that followed fall on the shoulders of the Mariners that elected them and failed to attend regular meetings to exercise their voice, just like not attending town hall meetings. It disgusts me to see good smart people gripe and groan but fail to participate because it’s not convenient.
I’d pray the 333 persons gain stability and a good clear picture of the future as good union members in a time when more and more Americans are so anti unions.
At least the stability and benefits of a much larger Union, not a huge Union guy but I think they’re much better off associate with MMP than not.
Today MMP voted YES to bring Local 333 in the MMP as AMG… Good news!
MMP voted overwhelmingly in favor of the merger. Something like 1100 ayes to 85 nays.