Licensen Upgrade @ Union Schools

I am currently working in the Gulf and want to join MM&P and immediattley go to school to upgrade to c/m unlimited. I have made arrangments to take a bulk of time off to accomplish this but i dont know when upon joining MMP they will let me use the facility. I have wrote a few email to the union with no response and I am out to sea with no cell service. Anybody have an idea on the time frame on that or anyother benefits an applicant can utlilze like health coverage before actually catching a ship with the union?

Man, if were that easy everyone would join!! You CAN NOT get any benefits and no free schooling until after you have some sailing time on a union vessel. As I recall, a 4 month trip got me about 10 month medical and dental and 4 weeks of free classes.
But you can go to their school now or whenever, member or not, if you’re willing to pay.

Why is it that you want to joing the Union to take the classes? Like Jeffrox said you can attend a union school without being a member of the union. I took Chief Mate clases at Star Center and at MITAGS. If you are trying to get your school paid for I can offer you two alternatives in order of my preference. 1) Hire on as a DPO, Ballast Control Operator or deck mate with a drillinging contractor, such as Transocean, Pride, Noble, Seadrill, Maersk drilling, Frontier. Most all of these guys fully pay for your upgrade schools and most pay you almost your full dayrate, but all of them compensate you something for being in the school. They pay for your meal, lodging, rental car and airfare. 2) I don’t know how easy this is, but I met a guy at Mid Atlantic during one of these chief mate classes that hired on with MSC and they sent him straight to school because they did not immediately have a vessel to send him to. They also get compensated, meals, lodging, airfare the works.

What ever you decide, make sure you follow through on this one even if you have to pay for it all yourself. You will get your money back over time.

thanks for the replies I figured you couldnt just walk into the union and get full benefits and free school, but It was worth a shot. Transocean was my next option I have my DPO cert. and some friends spread out among a few drill rigs so I am going to get the ball rolling with them shortly. Once again thanks for the help.

MMP will require you to 1.) become an applicant in order to be eligible to ship [10% of the initiation fee plus one quarter’s dues–$100] and 2.) ship a job off of the board for at least 30 days as a licensed officer. 30 days of sea time entitles you to four weeks of classes (transpo, room, board, and all fees paid). They have shown some flexibility in allowing a member/applicant to take more than four weeks of class, you’ll have to see how much they’ll let you get in one showing. As the rules are written, you’re entitled to two trips to MITAGS for four weeks each each calendar year, but as I stated, due to the number of classes required to qualify for CM/Master, they have shown some willingness to accommodate people for a longer period.

30 days of seatime also will qualify you for benefits for six months past your last day of vacation; a fairly comprehensive plan.

If you’re thinking about going that route, get to a hall now and get registered before the holiday season. Shipping in any licensed rate will get you eligibility, and there should be some opportunities as the season approaches.

Good Luck