This bad boy went ashore Saturday morning…
My attention is caught by: “…and the tugboat that had been waiting in the vicinity appears to have left the area during the course of yesterday and is yet to return”.
Every time I ever went aground the vultures NEVER left the scene as long as you were there.
[quote=Old Bakelite;13166]This bad boy went ashore Saturday morning…
My attention is caught by: “…and the tugboat that had been waiting in the vicinity appears to have left the area during the course of yesterday and is yet to return”.
Every time I ever went aground the vultures NEVER left the scene as long as you were there.[/quote]
WTF is that?,every time??
“Every time I went aground” Hmm… implies multiple times…remind me not to go sailing with oldbakelite:rolleyes:
He must have had a good bit of headway to get that far up on the rocks! DAMN! And I’m with you OS, remind me not to sail with the guy who posted that!
Come on you guys…In the cruising world amongst us sailboaters and gunkholers, the old adage is " you haven’t be around, if you haven’t gone a ground."
Self slap for pathetic attempt at humour :o Mental note not to try and be funny on gCaptain unless in the appropriate forum.
Although I must admit that the few times I was on a ship that parked where it should not have, I was not the one doing the driving, and not to say that I may not have come close on occasion myself. Fortunately they were all minor (as if any grounding is not a major event!) with the exception of one where we disabled the rudder trying to get off and had to be towed back in…sheesh, how embarrassing with the whole town watching!
Thank you Shellback for your understanding.
My standard entry on the Tidewater Incident Report Form:
“I was asleep in my bunk when the incident occurred.”
Sailing Anarchy
Does this scene look kinda familiar? The megayacht Pari went onto rocks this weekend, off Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, in the very spot where the Mirabella V grounded some years ago but, without a keel to hold her back, this one ended up closer to shore. The reason for the grounding is still not known, but locals assume that it was the same reason, the anchor dragging in a strong north easterly wind.
Official reports say there has been no pollution, but locals say there is a strong smell of diesel. An anti-pollution barrier has now been put in place and there are plans to pump out approximately 30,000 liters of fuel as soon as weather conditions permit. Plans to remove the 40 meter yacht from the rocks are still under discussion, between the vessels insurers, the owner and the Affaires Maritimes, since divers have reported that the aluminum hull has been damaged in several places.
The captain of the Pari has remained on board, but the seven other people on board were evacuated by the Croizet Fire Brigade, which was alerted by CROSS Med, together with the Marine Nationale’s Dauphin helicopter and the harbor tug Triton from Nice. Several large yachts, reported to have included Larry Ellison’s Rising Sun, offered assistance
Hey captain of PARI, what ever happened to anchor watches when guests are onboard
I know the captain and the boat before anyone asks
Who has time for anchor watch when there are guest to mix drinks for and toilets to clean? Priorities!
[QUOTE=Capt_Anonymous;13231]Who has time for anchor watch when there are guest to mix drinks for and toilets to clean? Priorities![/QUOTE]
mr anonymous,thats what deckhands are for,only 125 dollars a day, a lot cheaper that the deductible on the insurance,
but in the time honored tradition of yachting, the captain will go on to a bigger boat for more money,go figure
[quote=Old Bakelite;13210]Self slap for pathetic attempt at humour :o Mental note not to try and be funny on gCaptain unless in the appropriate forum.
Thank you Shellback for your understanding.[/quote]
O B ,you’re most welcome…I’ve had a few instances here on gcaptain where my humour was mistaken for all kinds of things…If you can’t laugh once in awhile you’ll end up like some of the people you work with…
[quote=Mr 100-ton;13237]the captain will go on to a bigger boat for more money,go figure
Nice to see that some things don’t change within the different segments of the industry.