Largest under 500 GRT vessel?

Greetings. Its been a minute since I’ve posted or commented here, but I’ve been reading the posts periodically. Its always a pleasure to come around and find the gcaptain forums humming away. The line crossing thread was particularly excellent.

I recently was approved to test for my 500 ton inland mate (yay me), and it got me thinking of a thread i started on here about a year ago about the largest 100 ton vessels out there. If you want to refresh your memory:

I don’t know if this is interesting to you all, but if it is, I’d love to hear your votes for the largest under 500 ton vessels. I would imagine that these boats will be in the GOM? I don’t have any guesses this time, since I really don’t have personal experience with any under 500 ton boats other than some inland tugs…