Kings Point Ad

I have no clue what message MarAd is hoping to send in this puff piece other that KP is somehow the foundation for whatever merchant fleet we still have and that its graduates are the only persons to man a surge sealift (which obviously is not true). While I was one of the KP grads who went to man the RRF ships activated in 1990 for Desert Shield, my having been a graduate meant absolutely nothing to my going. I could just as easily been from any other school or a hawsepiper. I was not mobilized through my MMR commission but was simply hired based on my credentials. I truly wonder in terms of percentages of mariners who served on RRF ships how many were KP? maybe 5%? How many today manning commercial deepsea ships are KP grads? again, maybe 5%? certainly no more than 10%! hardly what anyone can call a foundation or a backbone.

I am through calling for KP to be closed. I think the place is a joke and a waste but I know it is not going to be shuttered so just fuck that kiddie playschool. I only wished our esteemed Maritime Administrator would do his job and promulgate policy that might foster having a healthy merchant marine and work with Congress to enact meaningful legislation to start building a larger more modern fleet of ships however all I see “The Buzz” doing there in Washingtoon is collecting a nice paycheck in addition to his military retirement…nice work if you can get it and he certainly has. Nothing more than a hapless, useless, parasite on the taxpayer…but what do you expect these days with this President? Talk about being HAPLESS, USELESS AND A PARASITE!

so go on all you Drumpf sycophants…tell me in any meaningful way how his Grandiose Bloated Majesty has in any way done anything to make our once great merchant marine any better or stronger now as we near 2 years of his rule? Make American Great Again was his slogan…yeah right! Some greatness!