I was wondering if it is worth while attending the MSC job fairs. I was going to go to the Oakland fair this Wed or should I just stick with applying online. Tx
The recruiter at the job fair should have cheat sheets that help explain the KSA process and what format they want the KSA’s to be written in. He’ll also give you an idea what positions they are really interested in hiring. Other than that, just go online.
It is always worth going face to face. I went to one years ago. I was the last one there, by chance, and got hired …
I went to the MSC job fair and I did get some good tips on which position to apply for. There were only a handful of mariners in attendance and the majority were a bit lost. Most of the discussion was intended for entry level mariners and Gary the recruiter did a good job of explaining the document process as simply as possible.I doubt most of those guys will follow through and apply though.