Inland master to 2nd mate ocean crossover

Has anyone done this? I have a 3/m ocean & Great Lakes pilotage, I’m currently working as a mate on the great lakes but would like to upgrade my ocean license. According to the cfrs it looks like I should be able to upgrade to inland master with 360 days as GL mate which entitles me to 2nd mate ocean:
11.435 Service requirements for master of inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.
The minimum service required to qualify an applicant for an endorsement as master of inland (excluding the Great Lakes) steam or motor vessels of any gross tons is:
(a) One year of service as first class pilot (of other than canal and small lakes routes) or mate of Great Lakes or inland steam or motor vessels of more than 1,600 gross tons; or,
(b) Two years of service as wheelsman or quartermaster while holding a mate/first class pilot license or MMC endorsement.[/I]


[I][B]Master[/B] GL &/or [B]INL[/B] of AGT, may obtain [B]2nd Mate Oceans[/B] or N/C by completing the prescribed
examination & meeting above Other Requirements.[/I]

Am I reading this right? and what is the prescribed examination?

According to my reading and recollection of the many previous posts on this topic, you appear to have it right.

I know that you can get Inland Master if you hold 2M Oceans but not sure what, if any, requirements are necessary to go the other way. One sure way to fine out though, apply for it.

[QUOTE=Axelrod;84367]…and what is the prescribed examination?[/QUOTE]

2nd Mate/3rd Mate oceans. If you took the exam for your 3rd Mate oceans after 1/31/2002, there would be no exam.

[QUOTE=jdcavo;84438]2nd Mate/3rd Mate oceans. If you took the exam for your 3rd Mate oceans after 1/31/2002, there would be no exam.[/QUOTE]

Mr. Cavo,

A currently hold a 2nd Mate Oceans/1600 Ton Master and tested after 1/31/2002. I recently was approved by the NMC for INLAND MASTER and they indicated I need to take 5 modules.

I cannot find anything on the internet that explains the necessary testing. Is this correct from the NMC or should I question there ruling?

Thanks for your help.

[QUOTE=Lost@sea;84442]Mr. Cavo,

A currently hold a 2nd Mate Oceans/1600 Ton Master and tested after 1/31/2002. I recently was approved by the NMC for INLAND MASTER and they indicated I need to take 5 modules.

I cannot find anything on the internet that explains the necessary testing. Is this correct from the NMC or should I question there ruling?

Thanks for your help.[/QUOTE]

You can appeal any decision of the NMC. As I could be involved with any appeal that you migyhty pursue, I cannot opine on the probability of success of an appeal.

The “Guide for Mariners — Merchant Marine Examinations (Deck & Engineering Guidance)” that is currently on the NMC web page indicates 5 modules, for Master AGT inland, six for Master AGT Great Lakes and inland. Although this new guide does not have the module numbers or “licensing notes” that was in the former guide, it is consistent with the former guide which had no provisions for a partial examination. There is no mention of a partial exam for this crossover in the CFR.

The full appeal process could take 6 months or more to resolve.

Note that if the testing letter you were sent indicates an inland rules exam, you will get a restriction that your license is not valid where the international rules apply. If you want to avoid that restriction, contact NMC and ask to have the exam module changed to the international and inland module.

Mr. Cavo-

Thank you, I will have a module change to the international and inland rules module.

It sounds like this is similar to the 2nd Mate / 1600 Ton issue. There is a crossover exam for a 2nd Mate to 1600 Ton Master, but not a 1600 ton Master to 2nd Mate Exam. I guess there is no cross over for 2nd Mate to Inland Master.

I appreciate your response.

After submitting my great lakes seatime I have been approved for 2nd Mate Oceans and Inland master AGT. However, they say i must complete 5 modules: CHART NAVIGATION (90%), DECK GENERAL + NAVIGATION GENERAL (70%), DECK SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (70%), NAVIGATION GENERAL (70%), and RULES OF THE ROAD (90%)

I passed all of these modules when I wrote my original 3/m Ocean AGT license in 2011. Should I be required to test?

Are those modules required for the Inland Master AGT? Looking at the Uscg checklists for both, on the 2nd mate it says no further testing, on the Inland AGT it mentions nothing about previous testing allowing no further examinations. I know a couple alumnus that have done the same raise in grade the last few years and I am pretty sure they studied and took the modules to get the inland master AGT. If you are getting some 1st mate time you might as well wait one more year and write the Great Lakes Master AGT in my opinion.

Has the NMC gotten that bad that it took 2 years to be approved to test for your upgrade? Man, this is getting out of hand!