This is not in the ColRegs, but the Navy acts like it is…
Yes. Just like any defensive driver stays away from some maniac on the road.
It might not be in the ColRegs, but it is in the CFR’s as a “Restricted Navigation Area”, as in “Stay Well Away or the Boys In Blue are coming for You!”
Roger that, Captain!
Naval vessel protection zone
Naval vessel protection zone is a 500-yard regulated area of water surrounding large U.S. naval vessels that is necessary to provide for the safety or security of these U.S. naval vessels.
I just looked up the CFR…but this in not international law…right?
Ha! doesn’t work if you are a gas ship then every navy ship pisses off no matter what flag they fly!
Ah…gas ships…of course! Well now I think container ships will be
getting a lot more respect…“battering rams of the sea” …I am not awful
experienced and it is quite something how container ships always look to me
as if they are just sitting out in the ocean going no where…slowly…I
was so surprised to learn how fast they are actually traveling but
conversely how difficult its is for them to slow down or change direction…
My take is that the boys on the boat were hot dogging past the bow of the
container ship and, sadly, misjudged its speed…“If it is big and
boxy…don’t try to get foxy…”
UK yacht sailors are taught containers ships travel horizon to horizon in 10 mins. Personaly, my time on Container ships we were travelling 21 to 27 knots and have video to prove it
UK yacht sailors are taught containers ships travel horizon to horizon in
10 mins. Personaly, my time on Container ships we were travelling 21 to 27
knots and have video to prove it [image: ]