I may have to transfer weighing opt. I could use feedback

I have found most Maine Maritime engineers for the most part to be very reliable , hireable, and resourceful. You were asking for input on your situation from seasoned mariners. Yes, it is remote, but a good institution, especially for engineers. I did not attend there but have been there for some training. All the Academys have their certain warts, no matter what. Last input I can give you, is finish what you started, and be as resourceful as your Alumni before you to remedy what looks like to be a very managable situation. Good luck sir.

Thank you, the professors and instructors are top notch and more importantly can relay it. The situation is manageable and I have got some leads in the water now so at least the things are moving. I don’t anticipate at having to transfer atm.

Something else to consider no one has yet discussed. What program are you in? I’m not as familiar with Maine’s program as I was in the recent past, but I’m not use cadets in the 3rd Mate/3rd AE program at Maine can live off-campus. Have things changed and that is the program you are in? If so, consider that undergraduates in the same programs at most of the other academies have to live on campus and be in the cadet regiment. Living in non-dorms and/or off campus is generally not an option. If you’re in the Mate 500/1600 program, then the only other academy with that program is SUNY Maritime, and I am pretty sure anyone in that program has to be in the cadet regiment along with the 3rd Mates.

Also, this is probably the absolute worst time to transfer from one academy to another. In addition to the programs not being cookie-cutter copies of each other as has been discussed, all of the academies are making contingency arrangements to meet their requirements under COVID-19. These arrangements vary from one academy to another, so the different programs issue is exacerbated.

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Believe he said engineer in an earlier post. Agree, not a good time to transfer due to many things.

I’m engine but I am also a non-trad and a vet.

Then make sure you investigate how the other academies treat undergraduate “non-traditional” students. Expect that they may not make the same concessions for the cadet regiment you may have at Maine.

Jdcavo is right. You need to do your research and decide what’s best for you. Choose the school that will offer you the best value. In the end the schools all get you the same thing so go somewhere you will enjoy/ be happy at. Don’t stick it out! I did that and regret it. I regret it because ended up hating life for four years. Yeah got a good job after but I could have gotten the same good starting job graduating from another Academy. In industry no one cares what school you went to. Its “are you qualified and can you do your job well”. I have worked with good and bad engineers from all Academies. Some of the best and brightest guys were ones that got kicked out of their Academies and transferred.

Reminds of an oiler I had from Maine Maritime. He had a 3AE but it took him 5 years to graduate. I asked him what took so long and he said,“It would have taken longer but they were tired of my ass.” He is now an executive with Siemens.

Yea i’ll be crunching some numbers today, got a few calls back today (regarding housing) and I now have a few more options.

Mass will let you commute as a vet. You have to wear the uniform but that’s the extent of your regimental duties. Plenty of off campus housing for rent around campus in the off season.

Honestly I don’t know/recall much about Mass but I will give them a ring monday, cant hurt to say what they have to say.


Time is closing in fast but I have done a lot of groundwork with Cal in getting my transfer going. Waiting to hear back regarding some STCW coursework. Maine still hasn’t given word on what will happen with courses that are currently incomplete due to COVID shutdown. I’d gladly take a W in those, and I am not sure what they are planning but I know of two international students who cannot currently return to the states (they will sadly miss at least a year).

Also just found from a buddy that the maintenance classes that were dismissed due to capacity we got no credit for (not surprising but not what was relayed to us). Me and quite a few others performed maintenance over spring break in order to “finish early”. Those hours count but everyone due to the class being effectively too full didn’t get to complete maintenance and owes hours.

So far Cal seems to be more on the ball and out of all the maritime schools they are the only ones even willingly to look at my STCW work to try and transfer it.

If you think Castine has expensive housing, be ready for a big surprise in the Bay Area. Everything in the Bay is very expensive from beer to dating, to car repairs to housing.

You can find an adequate and affordable place to live in or near Castine.

To me, the biggest concern would be how is CMA or MMA going to deliver courses at what cost during the Coronavirus pandemic? I would not be too eager to pay full tuition for online courses. What are they going to do about the hands on instruction and cruises?

California has a huge Coronavirus problem. Maine has almost no Coronavirus. What could go wrong at CMA compared to MMA during the pandemic?

If you are a city boy who thinks rural Maine sucks, then you probably should transfer. If you are a rural East Coast boy, you may not like the liberal urban California setting of CMA.

I’m on the GI Bill so the monthly housing allowance goes a long way to balance the cost of living.

CMA has their plan in place, only license students will be allowed on campus all others will be remote. Only classes that have a hands on component will be in person etc. MMA sent out a email saying something similar but they haven’t set theirs in stone yet. MMA also appears at least right now to be bringing all students not just license ones back to campus. Its still early but plan wise, CMA seems to be ahead of the ball (given the state of Cali they have to be).

As isolated as MMA may appear everyone got sent packing last time because the youngsters would go home every weekend and someone came into contact with an infected COVID person (one of their family members).

Rural or city doesn’t make much difference, I’m going to double check the class plans etc but my goal is simply to go where I can finish the fastest. I think MMA is still a great place (at least instructor wise) as for finding a place, my experience hasn’t been that great so far.

It appears you have answered your own questions. If Cal is working with you go with them, the rest are apparently too preoccupied. I have never been enthusiastic about begging someone to take my money. Some really good engineers and mates have come out of Cal. I think highly of the graduates I worked with. You may not get the over-rated regiment experience some other schools offer but if you feel a burning need for regiment experience once you graduate you could go down the road to Camp Pendleton for the old school regiment experience.

All I want is to finish and get to work I would go to Joe Schemo’s School if it got me finished and working faster. The regiment is over-rated and I left the military to stop wasting time and attending “mando fun days”. If Great Lakes had a ABET certified degree I would be there in a snap, I just want to do my work and be left alone.

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