I’ve sent all my documents to the USCG REC in Boston for my 100 master and AB. Yesterday I got an email saying that my info/App was sent to the National Maritime center for evaluation. How long does it take at this point to have my 100ton and AB in hand? Thanks guys.
It’s hard to say. I got lucky and had my upgrade in hand in 3 weeks, but guys I’ve worked with have waited 6 months. If you have a clean record ( criminal), and perfect health it could be as quick as mine. I tracked mine by the website they sent in the email. I think alot has to do with how many other apps they have on their desk at the time. Hope that helps. Good luck-
Better chance of winning the lottery then predicting when the NMC will send your stuff out.
Personal experience is any where from 7 days to 5 weeks. My last upgrade was right at a week after MNC got it.
I would guess 2 - 1/2 weeks less anytime you loose for hangups like missing docs, medical issues, etc. Was very fast for me, very impressed.
The NMC is advertising about 19 days for October 2011. Less than four weeks out the door for a credential is pretty good.
They’ve worked pretty hard to streamline their processes and it shows.
Unless you have my luck and they let your evaluator go. Went from 13 days at Augusts 31st to getting a test letter October 13th. Passed all exams on the 27th of October and they just shipped it out yesterday. Good Luck!
Thanks guys, looks like times vary alot. My record and health are clean, so hopefully it will be fast. Thanks again.
There is no magic number. Just be aware that if yours expires, you can’t work until you get a new one. When renewing you can ask for a delayed issuance, near to your expiration date, so you don’t ‘lose’ the 5 year period ( if this is important to you). So you can start the process 6 months in advance, and ask for a delayed issuance say 30 days prior to your current license expiration.
My health and records are clean. Not one hiccup. I’ve dealt with the NMC from my original in 2007 to the 3 upgrades (one each year) to now. I have yet to have anything fast or a good experience with them. The fastest turn around time I had with them is 12 weeks. All you can do is hope for the best and see what happens. Good luck!
Oh yeah, this is an original, not an up grade. I checked the website and it just says," In transit". REC sent it on the 7th, so they haven’t even seen it in WV yet I’m sure.
It really doesn’t matter if it’s an original or upgrade. My original was sent in May and not approved till November if that means anything. You have a better chance picking winning numbers for the lottery than dealing with the NMC. You may fly through the system in just a few weeks, it could be a few months… It all depends on what minimum wage contractor you get stuck with for an evaluator…
Turned my packet in for my Master 100 GRT into New York Rec last Tuesday, 12/13, got my license in the mail today 12/23. Didn’t even take a whole 10 days!
10 days to get Oceans, ARAPA, GMDSS, and VSO on my license.
And that was during the Christmas holidays!
As long as you don’t get hung up in medical the NMC is turning things around nice and fast.
Completed testing for 500ton master on 12-20-11, license in my mail box 12-24-11! wow!