Houthi surface drone intercepted with rifles


Although 20 rounds from assault rifles at approximately 50 cents each are more cost-effective than a 2 million US$ guided ASM, I find this video hair-raising to watch.

Houthis spokesperson claimed the group targeted the Pumba in the Red Sea on July 20, describing the vessel as an “American ship.”
The vessel is the M/V Pumba, a Liberian-flagged containership. Equasis data shows it is owned by an affiliate of Sea Lead Shipping based in Singapore:

Lurker and Afghanistan vet here.

I’ve been following a lot of the events in the Red Sea lately. Most of the low-tech threats to merchant shipping can be easily countered by one simple, easy to track weapons system that could be implemented today. It won’t protect against more advanced threats such as ballistic missiles, underwater drones, or the more advanced drones Ukraine is using, but it will stop just about everything else.

It is relatively cheap, easy to maintain, and the ammuniton can easily be counted and placed into a sealed container before coming into port.

That weapon system is simply any 20-40mm autocannon. Preferably the sort of 20mm that was used as an anti-airctaft armament on ships during WW2. Those rounds are not small or commonly used in small arms, and therefore easy to keep account of. They are also devastatingly effective vs small lighly armored craft such as small vessels and helicopters. The weapon itself can be welded to the wings of the ship to prevent fears of smuggling the weapon system. such placement would also provide excellent fields of fire. It is by far the simplest, most accountable, cheapest, and fastest way to deal with the (until recently) most common threats that ships face in that area.

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I have often thought that issuing a drawing of the mount required as well as a guide to siting the mount to give the widest firing arc possible using the ships drawings it would be possible to fabricate the mounting on board. All that would be required is to embark say 8 military personnel together with a couple of 20 mm guns such as an Oerliken . Much cheaper than a frigate.

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Yeah, you’ve got the basic idea. If it can be mounted to a Toyota Hilux, I’m sure a few qualified welders can figure something out.

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