
Hi, i need smeone to tell me a lilttle of tma

Sure! You can start here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=site%3Agcaptain.com+tma

Or, another awesome option is checking out the schools webpage at www.tamug.edu! Also, specific questions help!

or you could be a real sailor and hawsepipe your way up. its really not that hard and you dont have to deal with the academy bullshit. you also get more respect from people in the industry.

Who in the name of GOD ALMIGHTY titles their thread with “Hi”?

Also, you question is worded poorly and you spelled “someone” WRONG!


[QUOTE=c.captain;123429]Who in the name of GOD ALMIGHTY titles their thread with “Hi”?

Also, [I][/I][B]you[/B] question is worded poorly and you spelled “someone” WRONG!


You spelled “YOUR” wrong.

isn’t obvious ‘Hi’ is a Somali pirate wearing a British tanker Capt’s hat (who is know laying on the deck behind the chart table after being pistol whipped)?

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;123443]You spelled “YOUR” wrong.[/QUOTE]

Double DOH!

That should teach me to drink Duff Beer and type at the same time!

That should teach me to drink Duff Beer and type at the same time![/QUOTE]

Always here to help.

“This is the Somali government forum moderator, please send your credit card information so we can confirm your forum account”