Help! Flashing light

most likely he spelled better when he was at 5 years of age then mradventure does

schols teeach speeelling at n erley agee ifn u goo 2 2 2 schol, pucker up mradventure

[QUOTE=mradventure;49707]Kiss my ass! I am sure you can read that. humm I see you post alot .May I suggest you keep your negitivty to your self.I posted to help someone.[/QUOTE]

You’re right Mr. Adventure. Sorry for messing with you.

So, back to Visual Signaling for a moment. When did the STCW Code get changed? What else was changed, if anything?

My approval letter was October which stated I had to have it but as of 3 weeks ago something has changed between my letter and my testing.But as I said the REC changes daily it seems that everyone is in the dark about what is going on including the schools and local RECs are worse…

Mradventure: what license did u have prior? Did u go up to a 500 ton, or go 500 NC to 500 oceans?

Don’t quote me on this, but I don’t think the blinker light requirements have anything to do with STCW, I think it’s the USCG that requires it.

Cappy I had a 4th issue 100 N/C upgraded to 500 N/C planning on doing my celestial at the end of the month and the get my Oceans and then I am DONE. But I may get side tracked because of pre Ameicas Cup things I am working on here . I am also an AB unlimted with full STCW.And everything but GMDSS and ARPA for larger tonnages .Hope that answers your question.

To me it sounds like the NMC goofed. Take it and run. The difference between a 100 ton and a 500/1600 ton is huge. I have never heard of this. Maybe a new loophole has been opened?!

It the STCW code that requires it and included all our licenses from 500gt and above, it used to be only unlimited licenses b4 STCW came around and back then it was a CG only requirement…

OK so im going to check into this. I hope its not a goof because I keep putting off taking the class. If I dont need it then I can start studying for the actual 500 test. I think ill sent NMC an e mail.

I had a heck of time scheduling that short course…Finally between stability and cargo I found a Saturday that was open and got it done…The funny thing was that having been practicing on the laptop ,which has a different illumination, when I did the test I realized right away that I had to relocate my positioning to get the light into my peripheral…

Hi look at Crawford’s nautical school web site .They confirm what I said about flashing light is NO longer for 500/1600 after April 2011.I just read it today there.Click on home on there web site to view this.ALSO read the June 10 information please its important .Hope this helps all of you .

I’ve had a 500t master for 15years and never have had to worry about flashing lights. Only 3rd mate and up.

Near coastal anyway. Could be different for Oceans.

No its the same did you read Crawfords . Its in back and white.Can not be much clearer than that. good luck all I am done with his post. You all have the most current info .You can doubt it to the cows come home its for real. For those who worried like I did put flashing lights away and move on its DONE!

Since we are on the topic. I am going for my mate OSV is flashing light still needed for this license? thanks

Much as you used 'Crawfords ’ as a reference, if you go to NMC website and scroll down to license requirements there IS a link to a the requirements for 500/1600 ton licenses that does NOT have flashing light (anymore) if you look at all the unlimited licenses it is still there. So this info is correct. It will be interesting to see someone come on here in a month, week,day who says they got a requirement to do so, but it is not in the requirements anymore.

[QUOTE=cappy208;50178]Much as you used 'Crawfords ’ as a reference, if you go to NMC website and scroll down to license requirements there IS a link to a the requirements for 500/1600 ton licenses that does NOT have flashing light (anymore) if you look at all the unlimited licenses it is still there. So this info is correct. It will be interesting to see someone come on here in a month, week,day who says they got a requirement to do so, but it is not in the requirements anymore.[/QUOTE]

Cappy - Here’s the link I just used to Master 500/1600 NC. This link includes the Flashing Light requirement on Page 2, just above ARPA:

[QUOTE=water;50179]Cappy - Here’s the link I just used to Master 500/1600 NC. This link includes the Flashing Light requirement on Page 2, just above ARPA:[/QUOTE]

Ya, the checklist for Mate 500/1600 N/C and Oceans are still showing FL…I do know that the checklists can take awhile to be updated…Surely there is a reference to this change, if indeed the change took place…

You are a funny man Captain Lee, you have the same humor bone as me…[QUOTE=Capt. Lee;49704]Maybe you should take the money you saved by not having to take flashing light and enroll in an english grammar course.[/QUOTE]