Gyrocompass Manual Request


I am a teacher who was recently gifted a SR-130 Sperry/Tokyo Keiki Gyrocompass. This was built in 1982 and apparently decommissioned around 1995, and has been sitting in storage since then. It appears to be in relatively good condition. I would like to get this unit running and use it in my classroom for demonstrating physics and earth science principles. I have a background in electrical engineering but little knowledge on the design and working principles of this unit.

I am reaching out to members of this forum for installation, service/maintenance, and/or operating manuals on it.


Bumping this to the top in case anyone can help.

I’m still coming up blank with every search on this information. I contacted Sperry Marine and they told me it’s long since been discontinued and all the manuals were printed ones and they can’t help.

Can anyone point me to gyrocompass service organizations that work on Sperry instruments?

Can anyone provide insights on the power requirements for it? At this point I’m assuming that the Gyroscope motor needs 400hz 3-phase AC power, but I don’t know what voltage. Maybe I can measure the winding impedance and get a good estimate, but a poke in the right direction would sure help a lot.
As would any information on how to power up the servo system.

Thanks in advance!

Have you tried Tokyo Keiki in Japan

I’ve tried the USA office but no response yet.

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