Good Lord...just look at this behemoth!

[B]Vanguard on move to US Gulf[/B]

En route: Dockwise Vanguard with Jack-St Malo hull

13 February 2013 02:07 GMT Steve Marshall

The world’s largest semi-submersible heavy transport vessel Dockwise Vanguard has started her maiden voyage carrying the weighty Jack-St Malo platform hull destined for the eponymous field in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Dockwise-operated newbuild unit departed earlier this week from Samsung Heavy Industries’ Geoje yard in South Korea after a successful float-on operation of the 56,000-tonne hull that took four hours to complete.

The vessel is set to sail around the Cape of Good Hope before arriving at the Kiewit yard in Ingleside, Texas in mid-April ready for topsides installation later the same month, with the Chevron-operated field due on stream next year.

The Vanguard, delivered from South Korean builder Hyundai Heavy Industries at the end of last year, has been designed to carry mega-heavy offshore structures that can be integrated at a single site, with a deck spanning 275 by 70 metres and a 110,000-tonne loading capacity.

Here’s another. Would love to see video of the thing getting loaded.

Agreed. You would probably want to see a time lapse though.


Here is another vessel Hauling Vessels… Don’t look so stable to me…

Is it just me or does one company own every heavy lift vessel out there? I feel like I have only ever seen those big orange and white hulls of the Dockwise company. Are they just the industry leader or are they mostly the only game in town?

Also, I have to say, I love this computer generated image of the new Dockwise Vanguard with another Dockwise ship on it, with a platform on top of that, too funny!

This is really not a bad idea either:

Here’s another pic of vessels transporting vessels!

[QUOTE=acdcrocks73;100436]Here’s another pic of vessels transporting vessels![/QUOTE]

Didn’t I just post This 2 posts earlier… Hello…

[QUOTE=Captainmugsy;100460]Didn’t I just post This 2 posts earlier… Hello…[/QUOTE]

That’s what I thought! But then I thought I might just be going crazy…

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Photoshop…


Here’s an Old One of a Ship Moving My first Duty Station in the US Navy… USS Los Alamos AFDB-7

Most of them get built to do one job then go on the market to take any thereafter

A long way from this:

Reviving this old thread since the Dockwise Vanguard will now be known as Boka Vanguard.

Dockwise is ready to change name AGAIN. Boskalis is consolidating under one brand name:


8 MAN 20V 32/44

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The world’s second largest HLV, COSCO’s “Xin Guang Hua” offloaded two floating docks in Curacao recently:

Nice maneuver to get her through that channel.
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A new record load for HLVs is about to be set by the Boka Vanguard:

A FPSO of 90000 tonnes to be loaded somewhere and delivered somewhere else??
Why the secrecy? You can’t hide 90000 t. easily. Anybody know??