GM Stability Calculation

A ship with Dls=3877t, KGls=10.80m
Store P1=641t KG1=10.90m
No.1 CH P2=2223t KG2=6.60m
No.2 CH P3=5608t KG3=6.90m
No.3 CH P4=1170t KG4=4.10m
No.4 CH P5=5544t KG5=7.00m
(KM=8.32 D=19063t)

Anyone can explain this experience??

I’m still a cadet so hopefully someone with more experience can verify this, but this is how I did it.

Find the moments:

3877 tons x 10.8 m = 41,872
641 tons x 10.9 m = 6987
2223 tons x 6.6 m = 14,672
5608 tons x 6.9 m = 38,695
1170 tons x 4.1 m = 4797
5544 tons x 7 m = 38,808

KG=total moments / displacement
KG= 145,831m-tons/19,063 tons
KG= 7.65 m

GM= 8.32m-7.65m
GM= 0.67 m