gCaptain Podcast Episode 6 - Bananas

So this week I decided to take the IMO to task along with the shipyards and a few other organizations. Here are the links:

Show Note:

MP3 File:

iTunes URL:

The past episodes can be found here:

Whoever has been helping you set up your podcast is doing a good job configuring it to allow tracking of downloads. Unfortunately it is not set up in a way that is convenient for me to enjoy since I don’t use iTunes, don’t usually stream audio through my laptop, and prefer to download directly to my phone. I would suggest that you provide a link to aRSS feed of the podcast at


in the show page. I shouldn’t have to use theFeed Flipperat picklemonkey.com to extract it myself and I’m pretty sure that many folks aren’t even aware that it is a possible workaround.

If any Android users are looking for a new podcast app after the demise of Google Reader I can report that I’ve been quite happy with Podcast Addict. I can’t manage my feeds via the web any more but it is pretty easy to send new feeds to my phone with the Chrome to Phone app and browser extension combination.

Great point and thanks for the links to the android players!