I live in Bayonne, NJ which is a peninsula that has Newark Bay on one side and NYC Hudson River/Bay area on the other side. I am about 2 air miles from the Statue of Liberty. Newark Bay is a large Container Port and I live one block away from the Kill Van Kull which ships use when coming from the Veranzzano Bridge then under the Bayonne Bridge then to Port Newark. So needless to say I have many vessels in my area and gTrax is just great at showing me them. I have also tried two other iPhone apps that when you how 50 vessels they show none!
My question is do you plan on doing any upgrades to the software where you can see a photo of the Vessel you are looking at. The one thing I did notice was the other two apps had this and they provided much more info on the vessel in question. Just curious.
Again, Great App that WORKS!
Mark in Bayonne, NJ