Former USS JFK

Anybody know who is towing her to Texas?

An educated guess

It is indeed the Laney Chouest.

Thanks for that. She’s making a decent speed with that heavy girl.

The ship breakers only paid 1 cent for her, that’s a good deal.

They also take the responsibility of disposing of all the hazardous material in the ship. From what I’ve read the hull pays for that, while the fittings and specialty metals in the ship is where the scrappers make their money.


They could have probably made a pretty penny having a yard sale on her where ex-Navy folks could pull mementos.

One of the first Captains (Capt Fritz) I ever worked with served on the JFK & he was real proud of it. I was 18 yrs old on a pushboat on the Mississippi. It was my first or second month & I was mopping in the galley. I had fastfood experience when it came to mopping & I guessed it showed. He told me I was doing it wrong & took the mop from my hands. He spun the mop, causing the mop strings to flay out, plopped it down & started mopping away. He was real snappy & proud of it. Once he thoutht I had the gist of it he dutifully handed the mop back to me. I complimented him on his mopping & teaching skills & with as much pride as I ever seen anyone display he said he served on the Aircraft Carrier John F Kennedy. Being a young punk & jokester as always, I put on a sincere performance, acted shocked and like a goofball enthusiastically asked, “Wow, you used to be a janitor on the JFK?”. He deflated like a balloon, said no, started to explain something about rotations & moving up but gave up & told me to mop the deck & walked away. About 6 months later he asked me about it, if I was screwing with him or if I was impressed by his Navy experience. To this day I still mop the way he showed me.

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