Flashing Light? What, Again?

What exactly is the policy concerning Flashing Light?

-I passed a Flashing Light REC exam in Jan 2005 for my 1600 ton Master, under the impression I only had to do this once. I self studied and passed the test in Boston.

-I got a 3rd Mate in October 2008 and no mention was made of Flashing Light, having taken it already.

Now that I’m applying for 2nd Mate Unlimited, i received a letter from the NMC asking for my Flashing Light course. Is this right? Do we need to take a Flashing Light course for [U][I][B]every[/B][/I][/U] upgrade now? The NMC says the course can be taken IN LIEU of testing. I shouldn’t NEED to test, having already tested. So why am I receiving this letter?

Why is it when I submitted my p’work to the Boston REC a couple months ago, no mention was made of this? I was very careful to make sure all my i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Now, WV has my paperwork and they want a flashing Light course? What’s next? Should I begin learning semaphore? Any help appreciated.

The trouble is, I am still with Mercy Ships and stuck in Africa. i can’t just drive down to the nearest maritime school and take a class.

Every upgrade.

[quote=eThib;29678]What exactly is the policy concerning Flashing Light?

-I passed a Flashing Light REC exam in Jan 2005 for my 1600 ton Master, under the impression I only had to do this once. I self studied and passed the test in Boston.

-I got a 3rd Mate in October 2008 and no mention was made of Flashing Light, having taken it already.

Now that I’m applying for 2nd Mate Unlimited, i received a letter from the NMC asking for my Flashing Light course. Is this right? Do we need to take a Flashing Light course for [U][I][B]every[/B][/I][/U] upgrade now? The NMC says the course can be taken IN LIEU of testing. I shouldn’t NEED to test, having already tested. So why am I receiving this letter?

Why is it when I submitted my p’work to the Boston REC a couple months ago, no mention was made of this? I was very careful to make sure all my i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Now, WV has my paperwork and they want a flashing Light course? What’s next? Should I begin learning semaphore? Any help appreciated.

The trouble is, I am still with Mercy Ships and stuck in Africa. i can’t just drive down to the nearest maritime school and take a class.[/quote]

See 46 CFR 11.401(h) It’s required for every upgrade of an unlimited tonnage license. The Coast Guard no longer gives a test, you have to go to a course.

[quote=eThib;29678]What exactly is the policy concerning Flashing Light?

-I passed a Flashing Light REC exam in Jan 2005 for my 1600 ton Master, under the impression I only had to do this once. I self studied and passed the test in Boston.

-I got a 3rd Mate in October 2008 and no mention was made of Flashing Light, having taken it already.

Now that I’m applying for 2nd Mate Unlimited, i received a letter from the NMC asking for my Flashing Light course. Is this right? Do we need to take a Flashing Light course for [U][I][B]every[/B][/I][/U] upgrade now? The NMC says the course can be taken IN LIEU of testing. I shouldn’t NEED to test, having already tested. So why am I receiving this letter?

Why is it when I submitted my p’work to the Boston REC a couple months ago, no mention was made of this? I was very careful to make sure all my i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Now, WV has my paperwork and they want a flashing Light course? What’s next? Should I begin learning semaphore? Any help appreciated.

The trouble is, I am still with Mercy Ships and stuck in Africa. i can’t just drive down to the nearest maritime school and take a class.[/quote]

Get the practice software from www.hawsepipe.net. Welcome to the upper level!

Thanks, James- question 1- We never had to test for every upgrade. I never tested Flashing Light for Third Mate. Is that somehow tacked onto this new requirement?

Question 2- Should the REC’s make checking this part of the application process? I mean, if you’ve been doing it for OVER A YEAR, should they make sure you have yours before applying? They made sure I had a drug screen, a physical, my TWIC card, etc. It may not be a big deal for others, but I do unpaid volunteer work. I could barely afford the $200 it costs to apply.

Its annoying but hey what’s another hoop when we already have a hundred others to jump through.

[quote=eThib;29695]Thanks, James- question 1- We [U][B]never[/B][/U] had to test for every upgrade. I never tested Flashing Light for Third Mate. Is that somehow tacked onto this new requirement?

Question 2- Should the REC’s make checking this part of the application process? I mean, if you’ve been doing it for OVER A YEAR, should they make sure you have yours before applying? They made sure I had a drug screen, a physical, my TWIC card, etc. It may not be a big deal for others, but I do unpaid volunteer work. I could barely afford the $200 it costs to apply.[/quote]

It’s nothing new eThib. I had to do the flashing light for every upgrade along the way… 3/M to Master. Sucks that Mercy Ships doesn’t even help with licensing. It must be tough to get and keep crew that way as it’s hard enough when we pay them.

I think you must have received a freebee when you went for 3rd Mate. I did it for 3rd and 2nd.

You know what the worst thing about working on a ship with officers from all over the world is? Discovering just how screwed up the American licensing system is. With the exception of the German policy of not counting ANYthing but days at sea underway, the US has the most complicated, xenophobic, self-perpetuating, pointless, non-user-friendly licensing scheme there is.

The Yanks get together at break time and just regale the others with our tales of USCG Licensing buffoonery. It would be funny to me as well, were i not subject to it.