Facts about Denmark

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And they serve real BEER at McDonald’s in Denmark:

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How about Danmark in shipping Dr,Bugge ? Suspect it is quite a story to tell .

Do you know why McDonalds employees get such high pay and so many benefits in Denmark.

It’s because US taxpayers, including those working at McDonald’s, have been paying for Denmark’s defense for the past 80 years.

The Danes, and most of our other so-called NATO allies are a bunch of welfare bastards sucking on Uncle Sam’s sugar tit.

That’s why we cannot afford good National Healthcare in the USA.

It’s long past time to get Europe off US taxpayer funded welfare.

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The good news is that you’ll have the Gaza Strip sucking on the other tit soon.


Yes it is, both at the time when Denmark-Norway were one Kingdom and since.
Denmark is a major shipping nation, with a number of large shipping companies operating a modern fleet of ships under many flags. Read all about it:

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You have to be joking!!!
Or are you that ignorant about recent world history and present reality of world affairs?

Get the facts from the “horses mouth” (not Fox News):
What is NATO and what does it cost to be a member? | USAFacts

Remember that of the US 3.6% of GDP defence spending, only a fraction is spend on NATO Alliance activities.
The rest goes on US obligations in the rest of the world, (incl. on healthcare for active personnel and veterans affairs etc.)