Empire State VI ghosts

I just had my first good scare aboard the old girl. Any good ghost stories from fort Schuyler?

Can’t believe somebody brought this up! I worked on that ol’ gal! I just remember most the cadets saying I was crazy because I would constantly hear this sound, kinda like shaking water or sloshing. I SWEAR that noise would follow me around, but it was only in the lower decks, particularly 5 hold. Had some other weird experiences down there with doors slamming and even heard some strange knocking noises that i couldn’t explain. One night i realized i left my tool belt down there, a minute after heading back up the stairs.When i went back down the lights were off…i had left them on. I just always felt like something was trying to screw with me. Not sure what the history is on deaths or ghosts…but i do know there’s a lot i couldn’t explain.

Why is it that I only hear Kadets and academy grads talk about ghosts? what are they teaching y’all in those places?

Water sloshing in the cadet lounge and reefer flats! Doors with a usual soft close would slam shut. I would be sprinting through the final detex stations!

I always thought that was the fuel bunkers sloshing around under the lounge. Any of you ever stand watch on the USNS Stalwart that they had there for a while. No lights in engine room, plus it was mostly flooded, DETEX rounds were fun.

It is fuel. The day tanks are below the lounge/library area. That’s why it’s always hot as fuck in the cardio room.


It is fuel. The day tanks are below the lounge/library area. That’s why it’s always hot as fuck in the cardio room.[/QUOTE]

Yep, and the huge banging noise that sounds like the ship is going to implode…it’s only the steam heaters in those tanks.