
Anyone here had a Pack a Watch Camel Filter Smoking issue? Ever told an engineer that if he didn’t like the smoke in the wheelhouse to get back down in the Noisy Place with the EMD’s? Ever wake up coughing your lungs out while fishing around for a lighter? Ever stood out in the Cold/Rain/Snow for a smoke? Ever had a Loved One tell you that you smelled like an Ash Tray? Ever had a rain squall soak your last match? Ever take a swig off a beer and realize too late that that’s the one you used for an ashtray? Of all the ways I’ve tried nicotine addiction this one works the best. Vape On! . And it’s about half the cost of “Smoking”.

Smoking inside a boat is the nastiest thing around & I’m surprised companies allow it. I for one am happy that my company doesn’t allow it. Why should everyone have to smell that nasty smell.

As a reformed smoker, I completely agree about smoking inside a boat. That said, those that didn’t smoke when I was at sea were in the minority by a long shot. One of the best things that I did for myself was quitting. As to the Ecigs, I see that they are starting to get some resistance. I was in the UK last month at a rugby match in an outdoor stadium. They announced over the PA that both cigarette and E cigarette smoking was not allowed on the grounds. . . . .