Dutch owned ship Eemslift Hendrika in trouble off NW Norway

Dutch owned Eemlift Hendrik in trouble off Ålesund.
8 crew has been lifted off and has arrived ashore. 4 left onboard:

Cargo reported to have shifted. Blowing NW at Force 10 in the area.

One more report. (This one in English):


1830 hrs L/T: A fishing vessel has arrived on location. A SAR helicopter is also on location and another on the way.

Update at 20.30:
The main rescue center writes in a twitter message that the vessel was abandoned at 20.14. The four remaining crew have been evacuated by rescue helicopter. One of them has been reported injured and is being taken to hospital.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration and the shipping company are working on a further plan for handling the vessel.


Some nice boats being carried on that ship, the new vessel for the company AQS might come to a tragic end, here is an article from when they ordered it:


2110 hrs.: The helicopter landed at Vigra Airport just now.
2130 hrs.: Still moving in a N’ly direction at 4.5 kts. according to Marine Traffic, The fishing vessel is following close by. Other traffic is either how too, or steaming past. No sign of any attempt to assist.

The Coast Guard vessel KV Njord and SAR Idar Ulstein are both in port in

Latest from smp.no:
The cargo ship that sent out an emergency signal in the Norwegian Sea on Monday drifts empty and abandoned into the sea. There is a danger that the ship will capsize and fuel may leak out. Guard operator Kjetil Hagen explains to NTB that the ship is now drifting empty and abandoned into the sea, but that there is a danger that it will capsize, which could lead to a fuel leak. - As of now, the rescue part of the operation has ended. Now it is the shipping company’s responsibility to see if they can salvage ships and cargo. The Norwegian Coastal Administration will also follow up if there is a risk of leaks, says Hagen. - When the captain chose to leave the ship, it was because they were afraid that the vessel could capsize. So there is an imminent danger that it will happen, says Hagen. North: According to the website Marine Traffic, “Eemlift Hendrika” goes north at a speed of about four knots. PHOTO: MARINE TRAFFIC On autopilot The ship is located about 60 nautical miles west of Ålesund and has a list of approximately 30 degrees. It now continues to operate on autopilot, and one of the things the Norwegian Coastal Administration and the shipping company must find out is whether there is a danger that it will collide with an oil platform or similar. - That is what is being investigated now. We do not have information on how much fuel there is on board. It runs on autopilot, but if it should turn in the wind it will get a different course, says Hagen. There is now only one fishing boat in the area that keeps track of the ship.

On marine traffic looks like it has just turned around and is now doing a course of 147 degrees.

It is now heading towards the Norwegian coast…

It is only 80 nautical miles from the coast.

Looks like its AIS might have stopped transmitting a few minutes ago, perhaps it has capsized now?

She is still sending AIS signal. Now heading NE’ly at 2.3 kts.
The fishing boat with her is the Veststeinen:

Update 2330 hrs.:
Looks like the Veststeinen has had enough. Heading towards the coast (Fosnavåg?) at 7.9 kts

Still transmitting AIS but adrift:

You sure the ship is on autopilot in gear??
She seems to going downwind at 3.5 knots, which considering the wind is 45 knots or so isn’t surprising.

Surely the ship being abandoned, capsizing and sinking is the only issue, not the fuel leaking. Why even mention is?

Environmental impact becomes the primary concern for the port state if the vessel sinks.

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I might have thought a primary concern would be why a ship of theirs had to be abandoned, not whether it might possibly, just conceivably make an insignificant mess.

My point is that it seems compulsory to start worrying about a possible oil spill at the outset of every marine accident. On the same basis, I’m surprised there’s no mention of trauma counselling services being activated for the crew … or concern for the crabs it might squash if it hits the bottom. In other words all the fluffy stuff - everything except the actual incident.


Looks like the vessel is still afloat and transmitting AIS, and KV Sortland is heading out to it.

I don’t really see anything wrong in shifting focus to environmental impact after everyone onboard has been rescued. That’s the logical next step while the abandoned vessel is still afloat and adrift.

How about focusing on rescuing the vessel and cargo? That would prevent an oil spill.

We are not talking about a tanker full of crude.

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Isn’t that exactly what they are trying to do now with KV Sortland? After all, that’s the most effective way of preventing environmental damage.

There is always the Torrey Canyon option.

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A little early for that, I think. Although, in my former naval career I never got to sink a ship using my weapons. Would have loved to, but they never let me.


KV Sortland is equipped for emergency towing of much larger ships.
KV Sortland:
She is almost on location now. Awaiting update soon.