Does a person need to receive a letter from the USCG to be a DE or is completion of a DE course alone qualify the mariner. I have attached a portion of NVIC 6-97 and am still a little confused.
LEFT [I]Is it necessary for the Coast Guard to certificate me as a Designated Examiner?[/LEFT]
[/I][LEFT]No, a Coast Guard Certificate or Letter is not required. You may be identified as a
Designated Examiner as part of a Coast Guard course approval or as part of a Coast
Guard-accepted program of training and assessment. In these cases, the review of
your qualifications takes place at the time the Coast Guard approves a course (see
reference(b)), or during an audit conducted under a quality standards system (see
reference ©).
However, if you have a certificate of completion from a “train-the-trainer” course
approved by the Coast Guard or based on IMO Model Courses or other Coast Guardaccepted
training program, and have evidence that you have at least 36 weeks of
experience as an instructor in the maritime field, you may obtain a letter from the
Coast Guard stating your special qualification as a Designated Examiner. The letter
may be limited to your field of experience. The letter will include a special reference
to allow for assessments with certain classes of simulator when there is evidence to
support this qualification. Procedures for receiving such a letter are discussed below.[/LEFT]