Therein lies a problem. Any company should recognize when one leader, captain or otherwise, has a lower employee retention than average. These assholes hurt company performance but may disguise themselves when meeting with management. What you seen in the office is not what happens on the ship. Once you take out the obvious variables employee retention and relative department performance are the best judges of management effectiveness. But these assholes are political creatures, hard to catch out until some disaster occurs.There are reams of reports proving this.
There are ships that repeatedly have people quitting 1 trip in (say between 15-30 days) on their 90 day hitch on a very much desired job. You’d think the office would notice that no one seems to complete their entire rotary job and jobs have to be called early to replace people that quit early…but apparently nobody cares.
Because they are themselves crap management. In such cases leave or ignore. Isn’t your company anyway you just work there.
Life is short don’t waste what time you have wishing chicken shit were chicken salad.
Are you lecturing me and providing life advice? If so, thanks for the input…but I am not complaining nor expecting change. I am just stating the FACTS and the eventual cost of allowing assholes to continue their reign of terror.
Change will occur, but only when it costs more to not change.
No numbnuts just commiserating with you. Carry on. I’ll ignore your in the future.
Being an arsehole is not the prerogative of the elderly.
OK, understood. We both are bitching about the company together, like true sailors!
Waiting for the assholes to retire makes no sense. It assumes that none of the young guys coming up are not assholes too. Assholes come in all ages.
I was a lot more of an asshole as a 20something than I am now.
When I was a new deckhand there was a lot more assholes, it seems like as assholes die or retire the ones replacing them aren’t nearly as bad.
Now that I’m in the wheelhouse I try to let my crew do their thing, if they are doing their jobs like they are supposed to then I don’t need to nitpick or correct. Even if I do I try to do it without raising my voice or being that asshole.
But sometimes that asshole must be released.
Today is a different world, different rules, different system, more checks and balances.
Of course there will always be sociopaths that somehow keep their reign of terror. However, in general, the system is now better at purging these scumbag assholes.
Different in some ways, but not so different in many others.
True. Human nature is to be human and boys will be boys.
But Maresk recently had some very very bad publicity and had to settle some lawsuits that were probably pretty big money. I would hope, for the sake of business/profit, that they are more cognizant of the “assholes”. Because the “assholes” that just cost them lots of money were well known to be problems to anybody that was paying attention.
Agree. I know former associates of Goldman Sachs and other investment banks in NY. They have told me tales of the cut throat nature of their survival. I also know thru marriage a former US congressman who left because of the nature of politics. I’ll take associating with a bunch of sailors over any of them. At the end of the day you got to live together and try to get along. Might not be a bad idea for politicians to be confined to a ship for a few months, might change their thinking. The greedy bankers? A leaky submarine is a better option.
How about a trip to see the Titanic?
Agree…and leaky is better than fast implosion. As it lets them reflect a bit on their life.
Oh wait, they are sociopaths…they don’t think they did anything wrong. In that case, the time lets them grief about losing the chance to “win the game” in the future over more people, because they will soon be dead at the bottom of the sea.
Are you trying to say that: They are lower than whale shit?