Coast Guard Hiring Initiative

Department of Homeland Security
US Coast Guard

Marine Inspectors/Investigators
National Centers of Expertise

The Coast Guard is pleased to announce the opening of the first installment of Civilian Vacancy Announcements for the five new National Centers of Expertise (NCOE). These positions will be GS-12 and GS-13 in the NCOE’s. Each center will have four to a maximum of nine inspectors/ investigators. The center employees are resources marine inspectors or investigators fully engaged in their primary inspections/ investigations assignments, who will also train student inspectors, advise policy-makers, regulation developers or operational program managers on trends, best practices, leading indicators, problematic issues or other functional area concerns.

The five centers hiring are:

[li]Towing Vessel Center, Paducah, KY[/li][li]Liquefied Gas Carrier Center, Port Arthur, TX[/li][li]Outer Continental Shelf Center, Morgan City, LA[/li][li]Vintage Vessel Center, Duluth, MN[/li][li]Investigations Center, New Orleans, LA.[/li][/ul]
The primary purpose of these centers is to cultivate CG expertise in the functional areas of inspections and investigations. The employees are expected to have significant experience in the functional areas and connections to or by virtue of memberships in commercial occupational and technical arenas, have achieved advanced experience, and possess either licenses, advanced degrees/ certificates or experience either through long term work in the commercial sector, the CG inspections program or a combination of both.

If interested in finding out more about these positions, as well as how to apply, please go to, keywords: Marine, US Coast Guard.

[B]Paducah, KY: [/B]
Marine Inspector, GS-12, Announcement # 09-2087-WE-DM-D and M
Marine Inspector, GS-13, Announcement # 09-2086-WE-DM-D and M

[B]Port Arthur, TX:[/B]
Marine Inspector, GS-12, Announcement # 09-2089-WE-DM-D and M
Marine Inspector, GS-13, Announcement # 09-2088-WE-DM-D and M

[B]Morgan City, LA: [/B]
Marine Inspector, GS-12, Announcement # 09-2091-WE-DM-D and M
Marine Inspector, GS-13, Announcement # 09-2090-WE-DM-D and M

[B]Duluth, MN:[/B]
Marine Inspector, GS-12, Announcement # 09-2093-WE-DM-D and M
Marine Inspector, GS-13, Announcement # 09-2092-WE-DM-D and M

[B]New Orleans, LA: [/B]
Marine Investigator, GS-12, Announcement # 09-2094-WE-DM-D and M (3 positions)
WHO MAY APPLY (to vacancies ending in D)[/B]
Open to all United States Citizens.
WHO MAY APPLY (to vacancies ending in M)[/B]
Open to Federal Employees with competitive status; reinstatement eligibles; applicants eligible under the Veterans Employment Opportunity Act; applicants who qualify under special appointing authorities for veterans, such as 30% compensably disabled veterans; other special appointing authorities for persons with disabilities; and current and former federal civilian employees who meet the established criteria in OPM interchange agreement.

Please contact Daryle Merlock at or 202-475-5353 with questions

The site Towmasters has a good post about this
MARINERS WANTED: the Coast Guard is hiring civilian Marine Inspectors!

The post does not mince words:

From the perspective of towing vessel safety, I believe that perhaps in no other area is the Coast Guard weakest in than accident investigations involving towing vessels. It’s very difficult to investigate something which you know next to nothing about. Several mariners who have been involved in incidents that were investigated expressed to me their frustration at the sometimes insanely stupid questions that were repeatedly asked of them by C.G. investigators who were ignorant of towing operations and basic tug and towboat barge-handling.

The press release was accompanied by this statement in the email;

There has been sufficient criticism of the Coast Guard and the marine safety program over the last few years; however here is a chance to make a difference and change it for the better and inculcate a new partnership between industry and the Coast Guard.

*** and I see now that apparently Towmasters received the same email.