Chouest Chief Engineer Pleads Guilty

[QUOTE=capt.gratefull;46059]Interesting to note that Anchorman and Capt. Lee shamelessly went straight for the messenger instead of condemning the act it-self. Endemic of the ilk that is infesting our fleets.[/QUOTE]

Did you even read the article? If you did then you must have a reading comprehension problem. I know how it is, because I worked for the company for over ten years. I have not been an employee there for 2 1/2 years. The messenger in this case is incorrect in his reporting. The act itself is without question not company practice and the sole act of the individual. He is lucky his ass is not in jail. Maybe you should get your facts straight before you do some reporting.

[QUOTE=Capt. Lee;46270]Did you even read the article? If you did then you must have a reading comprehension problem. I know how it is, because I worked for the company for over ten years. I have not been an employee there for 2 1/2 years. The messenger in this case is incorrect in his reporting. The act itself is without question not company practice and the sole act of the individual. He is lucky his ass is not in jail. Maybe you should get your facts straight before you do some reporting.[/QUOTE]

I doubt there’s a response from Capt.Grateful. He/She found it funny to taunt on private messages. So, that person is ignored forever. I never used my privileges to ban anyone yet, but this was a close one.

So how much sea time do you have? Get back under the bridge, troll.[QUOTE=capt.gratefull;46059]Interesting to note that Anchorman and Capt. Lee shamelessly went straight for the messenger instead of condemning the act it-self. Endemic of the ilk that is infesting our fleets.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=anchorman;46183]Anonymity isn’t my protectorate since I choose to wear big-boy pants. IF you want to have a discussion - Fine. That’s what this site it about.[/QUOTE]

If there is one thing I learned sitting in the press box during each of the DWH hearings it’s that none of the press have a clue about our profession and most (NOLA being one of the worst offenders) take it a step further and bend the stories to excite their audience. BUT, despite the fact I’ve gotten in arguments with NOLA reporters over their interpretation of the facts, I do admire their willingness to post their name to each article. They also are some of the best in the business about answering their emails and voice messages.

We allow anonymous posts on this forum for one reason… not all companies are as willing to let their mariners ask honest questions on an open forum and we want our members to be able to post without fear of recrimination from the USCG or their employers. I’m not saying we allow illegal acts (the CG can subpoenas our records which include IP addresses & emails) but we do encourage the sharing of honest concerns. Further I (and trusted moderators like anchorman) can emailed “anonymous” posters to verify their identity and approve or delete their posts. I say this because Anonymous posting is a privilege and was not created to harass members.

Not everyone agrees with Edison Chouest’s business practices (or gCaptain’s for that matter), and we encourage contrary opinions, but the fact Capt Lee is under no obligation to say anything nice about the company (he no longer works for them) but frequently does anyway and that Anchorman posts freely without being harassed by management says a lot about the nature of the company… which I hold in high regard.

As a blogger I can list at least a dozen problems about and “Manni Costa” that make me suspicious about the site’s intent. But the bottom line is it’s dead in the water (no updates for months).

That being said I banned capt-gratefull… an action I don’t often do (except in the case of spammers) and don’t take lightly. But the user was both hostile and registered with an email from a parked (unverifiable domain). Don’t agree? Well whether you want to call B.S on a blog post I write or the administration of this forum… I’m not hard to find:

[QUOTE=anchorman;43765]There’s not too many companies that will agree to pay a fine with the condition of keeping an at fault employee out of jail. Will your company do that?[/QUOTE]
Nope never been in politics…