Chances of finding work as an OS

Hello, I’m from Jacksonville as well and I’m having a hard time finding work as well. I most definitely will be taking your advice. I’ll be making plans to get myself to Louisiana.

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Dixie Towing and MoBro Marine (and others) are based in Jax. They are smaller companies and likely looking for people.


Also from JAX, would you know any other tug companies based in the area? I’m just starting out and getting ready to start knocking on doors but would like to do as much research as I can beforehand. Feel free to PM. :+1: @Bayrunner

If you are looking for deep sea. 75 on 55 off. Check out ConocoPhillips / Polar Tankers. I think you would be qualified for the Utility job if still posted.

If you are willing to relocate, there an an endless amount of Tug companies in the Chesapeake region looking for deckhands, and an OS is all you would need to get your foot in the door.

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Hey mate, do you know any company where they’re accepting applications for OS? This week I’ve sent around 20-30 applications! But I wanna make sure I get hired!