Caterpillar will be shedding CAT Propulsion back to Berg. CAT reached agreement to aquire Berg back in July 2013.
so leaving RR and Wartsila to the business?
There are any manufacturers of Azimuthing drives. In the power range where CAT drives were competing, in regards to market share it is likely RR(now kongsberg), Schottel, then Nigata… after that much smaller %'s wartsila, kawasaki, veth, thrustmaster, voith, ABB, Cat, and ZF.
its the complete package that builders/owners want which was what gave RR and huge advantage when the offshore boat building was booming, closely followed by Wartsila who have a near monopoly on Cruise Ships from bow roller to rudder
Once Cat bought Berg I started to see lots of PSV’s with their packages over here in Asia
RR still advertise they sell propulsion systems?
KM dont have an engine as RR kept that part but happy to sell Bergens to them I guess
Rudders? most new cruise ships have thrusters/azipod, no rudders. FYI; ABB and KM (formerr RRM) has a good part of the cruise ship market.
Bow rollers? Isn’t that something you find on sail yachts and other small crafts?:
ok so terms you understand, the pointy end to the blunt end
Now you are making sense.
Of course it would have been better if you used the nautical term; “stem to stern”.
But I presume the WAFI term; “Bow roller to rudder” feels more natural?
I actually got it from some Wartsila promotion , might have got it slightly wrong but that was the gist they said after they bought a ship design and several of L3’s businesses so they could compete with the old RR as we knew it., then the world crashed…oops too late
Yes Wartsila is a more complete marine engineering and equipment supplier after a number of merger and acquisitions the last few years.
They bought up the ship designer Vik & Sandvik, and in turn Coonan Wu in Singapore.
They got into Marine Electronics by acquiring that part of L3’s business and Marine Navigation by acquiring Transas.
The list goes on. Here it is for those who are specially interested:
PS> They also divested from some companies and businesses that was not regarded as core business, or not profitable.
BTW; The RR you are referring to was Rolls Royce Marine (Commercial) and was taken over by Kongsberg Groupe in 2019.
The HQ for RRM and it’s main business was in Norway and included Bergen Diesel (which was not part of the sale to Kongsberg)
But they got UT &, NVC designs and Brattvaag Hydraulic (Deck machinery) as part of the deal (among several other well known Marine Equipment manufacturers)
This was originally the Ulstein Group, which RR acquired when they bought Vickers in 1999. They in turn had bought most of the Ulstein Group in 1998. (The Ulstein family kept the shipyard in Ulsteinvik and built up again the Ulstein Group we know today)
The history of Kongsberg goes back over 200 years:
They show no sign of disappearing soon, although it is tough times right now and some of the businesses that was part of the RRM acquisition MAY be sold off…
Wasn’t the Kongsberg acquisition in 2019 seen as a Norwegian bailout for both kongsberg and RR marine?
RRM didn’t receive a bailout, they were acquired by Kongsberg.
You may say that the integral parts of RRM did though, and they needed it.
The mother company, RR the UK may be said to have been receiving a “bailout” from the Norwegian State coffer, but RRM was just a small part of their portefolio (not even a BIG part of their problem)
Kongsberg is partly state owned, so maybe they “bailed out” themselves.(or at least one of their own companies)
With the present crisis in the oil & gas industry worldwide, it is VERY possible that more bailout is needed to keep the entire Norwegian marine industry afloat, while waiting for better times, or finding new markets for their products.
Yes, a huge amount of Norwegians would have lost jobs
Rolls-Royce moves global Marine headquarters to Singapore
Thursday, 5 February 2009
They built a massive new building at Seletar ( new aero engine plant as well )
Wartsila bought SAM from L3 electronics that was the navigation catch as it has the vast majority of cruise ship bridges, they specialize in the whole bridge. They make everything except the GPS which they rebadge
Got some clever technology for swapping screens and consoles to any function that nobody else has.
Transas gave them a simulator company as their other technology overlaps some of SAM and lots of market share from existing Transas products and customers
L3 kept their Simulator companies
So lots of new developments in the marine world but no market. I can see lots of stuff being shelved as the next best thing arrives?
Poor old crew are going to come back to a new ship and struggle to operate them
A bit old news (2009)
What was moved to Singapore at that time was the SERVICE Hq.
The Hq for RRM was in Ulsteinvik until they sold out.
“Rolls-Royce has been active in Singapore’s marine industry since 1977”-
Yes, but at that time it was a service .centre for Ulstein Group.
“A ship design office was established in Singapore in 1999 which carries out work for offshore supply vessels, merchant, tugs, over 35 UT design vessels and specialist naval sectors in Asia. The office also offers conversion and modification of offshore vessels. Linked to the global design centre in Norway, the Asia centre creates customer specific turnkey solutions locally”
Yes, but established as Ulstein Trading (UT) a bit earlier. (Part of the takeover by RR in 1999)
PS> RR was only involved with Naval vessels and equipment before they bought Vickers and by extension, the Ulstein Group.
They kept Bergen Diesel and MTU because that fitted in with their core business.
The rest was only interesting as long as it made good money and added a new dimension to the RR brand. (The most famous bit, the RR Car division, was case off earlier)
you should have notified the stock exchange that RR made false statements to the market but they didnt it was 2 moves plus new engine factory
" Singapore
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, today announced that it is moving the global headquarters for its Marine business to Singapore from London. The move recognises the increasing importance to Rolls-Royce of Asia-Pacific markets, where a significant proportion of global commercial shipping activity takes places. It also underscores the significance of Singapore as a hub for the Group’s regional operations."
thats why it was easy to sell the Norwegian part?
“In 2008 Rolls-Royce established a global head office for its Marine services operation in Singapore and today’s move builds on that progress. The new Marine headquarters will have global responsibility for business development, marketing and corporate services.”