OK, I should finish a thread before I post! LOL
Just as a point of interest, how many previous car carrier fires sustained enough structural damage to sink?
Fake news. I read on here that all it needed was some cleanup and fresh paint.
Oh come on, you guys don’t know what the next take is? “No structural damage so obviously it was an inside job”
The reports say there was bad weather and a 45 degree list, possibility of a cargo shift.
Do your calendars read February 30th, 2035 too?
Thanks, I posted before I learned that and and saw the picture. So, another question: is that degree of damage typical/unusual/unheard-of?
Don’t really know, I was surprised to hear that it sank after reports that the smoke had stopped and the ship stable.
The Grimaldi vessel Grande America sank a while ago after a fire, it was ro-ro / container.
I’d assume with a fire that hot for that long it could have melted the chain-binders holding down the vehicles. Subsequent weather could definitely have invited a cargo shift.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. The lashing holding down the cars would have nylon.
Do you wish to retract your statement at this point, or are you going to stick with this position?
Additionally, the tires will have burned away, slackening any intact chain lashings and radically changing the coefficient of friction between the vehicles and deck.
Yeah, I thought someone might point out that it wasn’t strictly speaking a cargo shift if it’s no longer cargo, just burnt rubble sliding around.
Likely no chains used on a car load.
How convenient That it suddenly sank in the middle of the ocean??
Do your calendars read February 30th, 2035 too?
I was being sarcastic.
Do you wish to retract your statement at this point, or are you going to stick with this position?
My guess is that he will double down with another conspiracy theory.
I gather from all this insurance will go up.
" … caught fire and burned for over a week before recovery teams could board. "
H’mmm, that is very suspicious! Whoever planned this must have known they would have a week to hide the evidence.
Someone needs to find out if anyone involved had anything to do with the mysterious sinking of the Estonia. If only there were someone here who could add up all the missing links …
A post was split to a new topic: https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence.informa.com/LL1140761/Safety-focus-for-new-generation-of-vehicle-carriers