I’ve signed up for SMA this fall and I’m looking for things to prepare. I have six months to get an early start on the reading. I’ve followed many leads from here suggesting to find the Navy training pdfs. I’ve found several, some of them so old it hurts my eyes trying to decipher the blackened pictures (circa 1950’s) but some good, updated ones too.
I’m hoping that maybe someone is near ready to pass along books that I can’t dl or find in my county library. I’m looking for QMED books. I’ll also eventually test for the 25/50/100-Ton Master when I get the sea time. I hear Reed’s and Murphy’s are excellent.
Thank you for listening to my request.
Sea ya later
(ducks under the desk to avoid the tomatoes for the obvious pun)
Not a book, but US Captains training on you tube has some good videos geared towards OUPV, which is the basis of the larger tonnage licenses. Good starting point.
SMA, as in Seattle Maritime Academy? Brand new, some of those license prep books are pricey. Captain’s Nautical Books & Charts has a good selection, and they ship. Two of the most common publishers are MET (Marine Education Textbooks) and Academy Publishing Company. My first round were all hand-me-downs from ship mates I bought with cash or traded pitchers of beer Then my second round I found some deals on eBay or a used book website call Add All.
Some of the information is quite old, but still relevant. Like rowing commands for life boats Like, when was the last time you saw a life boat with oars? Besides on a museum ship. But there is still questions on them.
I wanted to let anyone who’s looking for a " Chapman Piloting and Seamanship" book, editions 63-67’ish for under $10 at Better World Books. I got one, good condition, happy with it, but had a little trouble with their shipping.