Best possible decision

200gt master NC, 1600gt Mate NC, Mate of Towing, AB Unlimited etc, currently working as AB aboard tugs in the northeast. Company does not promote from within and I’m trying to break into the wheelhouse. Do I A) stay aboard tugs in the northeast and approach other companies about a training spot, B) possible make a move to the gulf as a training mate for Chouest, Hornbeck, tidewater, transocean, candies, signet or any other Gulf Co, C) literally quit and reapply to the same Co I work for now, D) just keep waiting potentially until the end of time to get bumped up here (boss keeps saying “soon, don’t worry soon”. E) go sail on ships to get unlimited tonnag, F) give up and live off the Govt like the rest of America

Can you run a boat? As in actual boat handling, barge work, wire work?

Are you trying to get sympathy from us?

If you are, then you’re in the wrong place. Whining is two doors down…

Recently, a friend of mine who is a accomplished tug captain, got hired by a GOM OSV company as a training mate. He took a 100 a day pay cut and shelled out a lot of dough in travel expenses and basic dp to accomplish this.

So, the point I am making is, you should assume it’s going to take sacrifice and patience to basically, start over. He got rejected a bunch of times because regardless of him being a fourth issue captain, he had no supply boat experience. Some companies told him that without advanced dp they weren’t interested as well.

For most folks these days career progression is expensive and not seamless. You might be better off staying the course where you are at.

I would not consider myself ready to stand watch alone. I need a few hitches of supervision and training.

oh ok capt thanks for that, you seem like a nice fella

Thank you for that, I’m pretty sure that’s the right decision.

Poke around and see if anyone is looking for a green mate. C.captain himself needs mates (2-4th captains) for some vessel delivery sounds like a great opportunity.

Hard to give you better advice without knowing what company you are at. PM if you want…

well what the HELL is this supposed to mean?

F) give up and live off the Govt like the rest of America

besides, all the remainder of what you want us to answer for you has been answered time and time again for many others here…if only you were willing to read through all the hundreds and hundreds of threads from the past you might find your answers there already

A friend of mine just got hired as a training mate at Moran in New York. He was pretty much in the same position. Worked as a deckhand and got his 200t and mate of towing and now he’s training there. I’d try that place, I guess they need guys, he said none of the deckhands there are tryin to move up.

Ham and Egg, learn to handle the tug and barge, learn the administrative side very well and you’ll get all the attention you vp an handle.

Capt I have read all the threads hundreds of times, things change fast out here and we all know this. I could read all the old posts and assume that they are all current opinions and not much has changed or I could crack open a new thread and see what is happening today, right now, tomorrow… Etc.

[QUOTE=Warnerved40;145030]Capt I have read all the threads hundreds of times, things change fast out here and we all know this. I could read all the old posts and assume that they are all current opinions and not much has changed or I could crack open a new thread and see what is happening today, right now, tomorrow… Etc.[/QUOTE]

well, you’re original plea was filled with babble about leaving tugs in the NE and either going offshore or deepsea which itself has been discussed ad nauseum here.

Your last statement about going on the dole was frankly what pissed me off…are you serious?

anyway, you seem to have others here willing to talk with you so fine…take their advice if you are smart

No way was I serious, that was a joke…as it seams us mariners are the only ones that actually work these days.

Anyway I heard you are hiring mates capt! I’m a solid investment I promise.

I think that is a BS statement but oh well, you made it

Anyway I heard you are hiring mates capt! I’m a solid investment I promise.

I’m not hiring but just forwarding resumes although I believe the owner would prefer someone from the NW.

Oh look, Quint is back. Glad to see it.

[QUOTE=Warnerved40;145011]oh ok capt thanks for that, you seem like a nice fella[/QUOTE]

Don’t let him fool you. On the outside, he seems like a cranky, old curmudgeon. On the inside, he is really a cranky, old curmudgeon.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to his advice…

[QUOTE=Warnerved40;145001]200gt master NC, 1600gt Mate NC, Mate of Towing, AB Unlimited etc, currently working as AB aboard tugs in the northeast. Company does not promote from within and I’m trying to break into the wheelhouse. Do I A) stay aboard tugs in the northeast and approach other companies about a training spot, B) possible make a move to the gulf as a training mate for Chouest, Hornbeck, tidewater, transocean, candies, signet or any other Gulf Co, C) literally quit and reapply to the same Co I work for now, D) just keep waiting potentially until the end of time to get bumped up here (boss keeps saying “soon, don’t worry soon”. E) go sail on ships to get unlimited tonnag, F) give up and live off the Govt like the rest of America[/QUOTE]

It all depends on what you want. If you want a job as a green mate on a tug you can find one. If you are going to continue sailing as an AB, you might want to consider doing it on a large tonnage DP vessel. If you want to work 14/14 your options are probably limited to the NE.

You should head straight to the gulf with that license.

Thanks for all input and angles guys, I think I know what I need to do I just needed the push.