I am new to this site but have found it very interesting. I am a 100 gt master captain with 14 yrs. exp of working on sporties. The boat that I last worked on was sold 4yrs. ago. Due to the lack of these jobs in the Carolinas I started a business doing deliveries and boat maintenance (non mechanical). Since I have started in business I have struggled to grow primarilly due to the economy. During the same time I have gotten married and have three children ranging from ages 11-17. I have been boucing around the idea of getting a job in the industry but I am not sure what type of positions I am qualified for, where I should start looking or even in what field(oil, tugs, cargo,ect) I do not have to have a seagoing job, I would just like to have a steady paycheck and benefits to support my family and a stable career . I would be willing to do anything to accomplish this. Where do I start? Any comments would be greatly appreciated as I am sure I am not the only one in this situation.
Tough time to find a job. There are a huge number of both qualified AND desperate guys looking to.
Use the search button, and look in the employment section. There are probably a couple dozen at least threads on this topic. Read through them, then ask your questions
Thanks cappy208
You can accomplish all your goals for sure. Sending you to find some of your own answers helps weed out the drifters so to say and even when you come back with some specific questions you will get a wide variety of answers which in itself requires more of your own ability to wade thru everything and find out what the reallity of the situation truly is. One thing that I have learned in all my digging is that you will get at least 3 versions to every story. Just read a few quotes on any one post and you will start to see what I mean.
Once you get some questions answered ultimately you will have to be at the right place at the right time to get a job in this market. It should improve as time passes but don’t discount what I have posted previously… be standing in front of the man when he needs you, bags packed, documentation in hand, ready to work. It is a system that is hard to beat but it takes time and money and luck to be able to do that.
Good luck.
Thanks for the insight Ea$y Money. I have been contiplating this change for a while. Just trying to sort it all out.
Have you thought about a mates position on a charter megayacht? As everyone notes here, the commercial side of things is pretty rough for work right now.
I’m not suggesting that job opportunites are readily available on the big private boats, but it would seem you’d be able to find a job quicker than “just another 100 ton Captain” looking for work. (There are plenty of 1600 ton Captains looking here for work as well.) Since your experience is on private boats, moving to the commercial side may take some time. Maybe try some of the crew agencies in Ft. Lauderdale.
If you live close to Charleston, Savannah, Wilmington or Morehead City, take a drive. Go visit Moran, McCallister, Stevens Towing, etc. Some of the harbor tugs work 7/7. Maybe get your A/B and start working towards your TOAR. There are always options, you just have to hunt them out.
the North Carolina ferry system runs ads from time to time. That might be an option that would keep you close to those kids.
Thanks for the input fellas. I have been watching the NC ferries but haven’t seen anything yet. All of these suggestions are extremely helpful since I have only worked in the private sector and the commercial side is new to me and I don’t have any friends in the commercial industry to ask.
[QUOTE=captainjoseph;56943]All of these suggestions are extremely helpful since I have only worked in the private sector and the commercial side is new to me and I don’t have any friends in the commercial industry to ask.[/QUOTE]
You have come to the right forum. I spent way too many decades in the private sector, and came across gCaptain when I was researching the change to commercial. Haven’t looked back since.
The search function is great. There is a lot of good advice here.
But at least I was home while our daughter was in school…
I saw a posting for one of the NC ferries last week. Think I found it through indeed.com . It was a deckhand position, but im sure you could try to work your way up to the wheelhouse fROM there.
Captjoseph - Not sure how typical my situation is, but I just mobed over to a workboat from the charter/tour boat side. Taking the advice of Ea$yMoney and others here, I did some internet research, made a list of companie I might want to work for and hit the road. Before I left I responded to an old ad on another site, sendimg an email with my particulars. That netted me an interview. As I was driving north I got a call from another company for wgom I had filled out an online “pre-application.” By the end of the day Tuesday I had two offers for 3rd captain on 14/7 hitches. I took the one with better pay and benefits (also closer to home).
Both companies knew I was coming in to the industry green and were willing to train.
I drug tested the day I got an offer and reported to the boat th next morning.
I’ve been hearing from friends in the industry and here that thinhs are tight in the GOM, so I guess I was just really fortunate to have choices so quickly.
Anyhow, just wanted to offer some encouragement and say good luck. And say thanks to everyone on this forum for sharing good info.
Thanks for the words of encouragement guys…I have been applying for just about any position I can find just to get my foot in the door. Hopefully something will pan out soon.
I came from charter boats with a 100 pounder, 20 years ago started on crew boats as a deckhand. Never looked back. Luck , it’s the right move
[QUOTE=water;56978]You have come to the right forum. I spent way too many decades in the private sector, and came across gCaptain when I was researching the change to commercial. Haven’t looked back since.
The search function is great. There is a lot of good advice here.
But at least I was home while our daughter was in school…[/QUOTE]
Hi Water,
It’s been quite awhile since I have logged in to gcaptain.
Like that positive attitude!
Yes, I am so proud of you that you have achieved your goals and obtained such a great job.
Although, now that all of your schooling has been completed, I don’t get to see you and, enjoy having, you as a guest at my B&B.
Happy Holidays to you and all of your family.
Our friend, John, stayed here a couple of weeks ago, as he came down to knock on doors for a job.
It’s nice to see that both of you perservered to the very end.
And for this new guy, please know that they are hiring down here at ECO andd GOL.
Just had 2 guys stay here in the last month that got hired on at ECO with Nicky Collins.
One was a 1600 ton captain from Fort Lauderdalle.
The other was beginning on the deck, but when he got to the boat he was promoted to a"rigger" b/c he had taken the rigging class.
Both are on their first hitch.
Both had come down here 3-4 times to visit Nicky, so he would remember them when hiring.
Please go to my Facebook Page and Like it when you have time.
Also, remember, if in this area going to school or looking for a job, I still offer a discounted rate for mariners of $60/night.
Check out my website at www.achateauonthebayou.com
Happy Holidays to all of you!