Belle Pass and Vicinity Voyage Planning

[QUOTE=captaint76;146173]I have never understood why it is that people need or even think that the government cares a tiniest little bit about them or can save them if they did.[/QUOTE]


as people always rant and rave about the need for VTS

Obviously, local knowledge is required. With it you are golden. Without it you are a hazard.

Absolutely understood it to be. The best conversations are running thick with sarcasm. It helps to separate those of us with a brain from the general populous of idiots. I have dealt with VTS in many places. It is just as you would always expect it to be; a completely useless government failure.

[QUOTE=captaint76;146173]I have never understood why it is that people need or even think that the government cares a tiniest little bit about them or can save them if they did.[/QUOTE]

If you would like a review of government “saving” people… Ask the American Indian people how that’s working for them.