BA pub corrections

Is there a website that I can get a list of corrections so I don’t have to throught 3 years of corrections.

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I’m guessing you’re referring to British Admiralty Pubs. Why would you need to be going through three years worth of anything? What are you trying to bring up-to-date?

[QUOTE=captbbrucato;66590]I’m guessing you’re referring to British Admiralty Pubs. Why would you need to be going through three years worth of anything? What are you trying to bring up-to-date?[/QUOTE]

That’s right - just order new ones, they come corrected.


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I think I’m just going to put in a req for new ones. It irritates me that they sent us old editions when a current edition was out… It ain’t my money :wink:

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[QUOTE=Skoidat69;66639]I think I’m just going to put in a req for new ones. It irritates me that they sent us old editions when a current edition was out… It ain’t my money ;)[/QUOTE]

Agreed - we have different “runs”, for example U.S. East Coast to Europe or U.S. East to South America or Persian Gulf to Europe etc. If we make the same run a couple of times we correct the charts (BA) we have, if we switch runs I just order new charts. The tempo of operations on a RO/RO is too high to have the second mate spend hour after hour on chart corrections. On a 90 day trip it’s not uncommon to spend $1000 - $1500 on new charts. It’s just part of the cost of operation. I’d rather the time be put into voyage planning or giving the C/M a break on deck.


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A little CYA is in order too. Order the new stuff and hopefully the delivery system in place on your vessel will get you the charts you need. We all know that SOMETIMES the system hiccups and you are left without your last order to make things right. Remember what flows downhill when things don’t work out as planned. The Master is ultimately responsible for the corrections and the second is the one who makes it happen. The BA website will get you all the corrections you need. ( I am assuming some form of satellite internet for the mates is available for their use.) Print your chart blocks and other corrections on the tracing paper you should have if you are using BA stuff and you should be good to go. If you “switch” runs with any frequency, check your archived charts and use what is still current. Surprising sometimes how little some coverage areas change with time. Sometimes the Captain/ Chief Mate/Second and Third Mates notes on the new charts and previous routes used are just as important and time consuming as the corrections. Its all part of the job- go for it.

I use the voyager system from Thomas Gunn to correct our charts. So much more time efficient than trawling through notice to mariners.

I hope someday all ships will be required to go paper free. It is so soul destroying when you have one ECDIS system and carry paper charts… all you do for the ECDIS is pop a disk in and your upto date, meaning the officer can focus more on other safety issues. Paper charts are such a pain in the ass.

Passage planning is much more efficiently done also on ECDIS, instead of spending hours of drawing course lines onto charts this can be done in a matter of seconds.

Although I may agree with you I believe I will sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch this thread go the same direction as the “DP at the Dock” thread!

I still think paper should be required as backup cause computers crash and people accidentally delete stuff…

Without knowing exactly what pub you were referring to, in the US you cannot update an old edition to legal status. You are required to have the current edition onboard.

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We were covered by digital but I wanted paper back ups… I left sailing and am working shoreside so no worries any more

The chart and pub distributer is expected to destroy superseded editions of nav pubs and cancelled charts. Even if you requisition an old edition by mistake, it is his job to send you only the current edition.

Extract from a BBC report (so it must be true, ha, ha) last month.
Seizing the controls
Crucial navigation systems such as the Electronic Chart Display (Ecdis) have also been hit. One such incident is recalled by Brendan Saunders, maritime technical lead at cyber-security firm NCC Group.
This also concerned a ship at an Asian port, but this time it was a large tanker weighing 80,000 tonnes.
One of the crew had brought a USB stick on board with some paperwork that needed to be printed. That was how the malware got into the ship’s computers in the first instance. But it was when a second crew member went to update the ship’s charts before sailing, also via USB, that the navigation systems were infected.
Departure was consequently delayed and an investigation launched.
“Ecdis systems pretty much never have anti-virus,” says Mr Saunders, pointing out the vulnerability. "I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a merchant ship Ecdis unit that had anti-virus on it."
These incidents are hugely disruptive to maritime businesses, but truly catastrophic scenarios might involve a hacker attempting to sabotage or even destroy a ship itself, through targeted manipulation of its systems.
Could that happen? Could, for example, a determined and well-resourced attacker alter a vessel’s systems to provoke a collision?
“It’s perfectly feasible,” says Mr Saunders. "We’ve demonstrated proof-of-concept that that could happen."
And the experts are finding new ways into ships’ systems remotely. One independent cyber-security researcher, who goes by the pseudonym of x0rz, recently used an app called Ship Tracker to find open satellite communication systems, VSat, on board vessels.
In x0rz’s case, the VSat on an actual ship in South American waters had default credentials - the username “admin” and password “1234” - and so was easy to access.
It would be possible, x0rz believes, to change the software on the VSat to manipulate it.

I’ve yet to see anyone hack a paper chart although I have seen some truly dreadful corrections done; how about a Second Mate pasting successive tracings on top of each other? Some of the charts were nearly 1/2 an inch thick!

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