Prospective mariner here trying to figure out how to nudge my way into the industry. From what I can tell, SIU is certainly the best publicized union out there, and their Unlicensed Apprentice program seems like a good way to start out, and from what I’m finding everywhere else it seem like one of the only ways. Does anyone know of other paths to entry? What other other unions are out there and how do they compare? Is union membership even worth it in this industry? Your time and effort is much apreciated. Thanks!
So before all the flaming bullshit starts…There are other unions, they are what they are, some companies only use union crews, some use the unions against each other, some places like the GoM will run you off for even thinking about unions. There are many paths into the maritime industry. Some of these are based on your education, some your location, lots of them on who you know or can reach out to. I’m a vet that came back to working at sea via the PMI Workboat Mate Program - not that my old time VA benies contributed, but a newly minted vet has better benies, at least for now. There are the academies if you have the time, money, and aptitude.
The academies sound great, but hindsight is always 20/20. I’m finishing my BA in something that makes me a good fit for the State Department, or UN, or something in that vein (International Studies). But the more I learned about that business the less I want to be involved. Long story short, I blew a bunch of money I didn’t have on a degree that is otherwise unemployable, so hawespipe it is for me. I’m just trying to find the best way onto a boat to start out.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Do you have any experience? What work so you picture yourself doing? SIU is pretty much The Union for unlicensed crew wishing to sail blue water. There’s a lot of sectors in this industry that don’t fall into that though.
Prospective mariner here trying to figure out how to nudge my way into the industry. From what I can tell, SIU is certainly the best publicized union out there, and their Unlicensed Apprentice program seems like a good way to start out, and from what I’m finding everywhere else it seem like one of the only ways. Does anyone know of other paths to entry? [U][I][B]What other other unions are out there and how do they compare?[/B][/I][/U] Is union membership even worth it in this industry? Your time and effort is much apreciated. Thanks![/QUOTE]
It doesn’t take much to compare to the SIU…but feel free to check out:
[QUOTE=LI_Domer;162559]Tell us a little bit about yourself. Do you have any experience? What work so you picture yourself doing? SIU is pretty much The Union for unlicensed crew wishing to sail blue water. There’s a lot of sectors in this industry that don’t fall into that though.[/QUOTE]
Well, I would have gone the academy route, but hindsight is 20/20 and I blew all the money I didn’t have on a degree that is pretty much unemployable outside the realm of the State Department or other such government organizations, and the more I learn about that business the less appealing it seems. I have no relevant experience, and would basically be starting from scratch. From what I’m reading, deck seems to be the most direct line up to the captain’s chair? Or maybe I sail for a while and take my experience and international affairs degree ashore and see where that combination gets me. Regardless, I’m not afraid of hard work or long hours, and I enjoy being out in the elements. The way I look at it, work is work and as long as the pay is livable, I’m not too picky about it.
SIU apprentice program and AMO TECH program combined.
Supposedly you can get you’re 3rd engineer unlimited license in 30 months. I think you have to stay with AMO a year or two.
I would read the fine print to make sure its really 30 months. And ALL the fine print in general.
MEBA used to have something similar but I heard they stopped it because too many people were graduating.
Also, Job Corps in Astoria, Oregon if you are under 25.
Is union membership worth it? Depends on what you want and what you expect to get. If I was a green guy/gal starting out right now I would take whatever prospect that was remotely stable and had any chance of advancement.
The job corps through tongue point Oregon is a great deal if you can get in there…you will come out with an AB and/or QMED.
Another union not mentioned is the MFOW, if you were to go the engineering route…had a former co-worker that sailed with them a while.
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;162587]Man I am stunned never thought this kinda stuff would be happening in this day and age…[/QUOTE]
Yes Fraq, we know there are corrupt and self serving unions out there, but there are plenty of unions that truly do represent the interests of their rank and file with the contracted employers. It is very easy to use the bad examples brush to spread tar all over all unions.
The point to all of this is having a contract of employment negotiated through collective bargaining.
[QUOTE=Jeaux Bawss;162669]We must all share in the pain of this downturn together. You sir do not understand that concept. It’s always gimme gimme gimme with your type.[/QUOTE]
If the “I” is the worker then it is pretty clear which party makes up the “hole”
[QUOTE=Ctony;162567]Is union membership worth it? Depends on what you want and what you expect to get. If I was a green guy/gal starting out right now I would take whatever prospect that was remotely stable and had any chance of advancement.
The job corps through tongue point Oregon is a great deal if you can get in there…you will come out with an AB and/or QMED.
Another union not mentioned is the MFOW, if you were to go the engineering route…had a former co-worker that sailed with them a while.[/QUOTE]
I say, go wherever the jobs and opportunities are. Union, non-union. Why does it have to he so black and white. As it were there are no non union companies that I know of that offer 3 year fast track to a license. And most non-union companies are not hiring right now. I am not sure about that program though, when I went trough the UA program, it turned out sometimes people had to wait months between phases. I think they like to keep ppl working for free and/or for very low wages.
[QUOTE=cajaya;162686]I say, go wherever the jobs and opportunities are. Union, non-union. Why does it have to he so black and white. As it were there are no non union companies that I know of that offer 3 year fast track to a license. And most non-union companies are not hiring right now. I am not sure about that program though, when I went trough the UA program, it turned out sometimes people had to wait months between phases. I think they like to keep ppl working for free and/or for very low wages.[/QUOTE]
Your sig line is still looking a little lean, you need to add Empress Dowager and Generalissma, perhaps with a Czarina on the side.
By the way, if you have to explain to people that you’re trolling, you’ve failed at trolling. (hint: we already figured it out)