Arctic News

Ukraine war has reached the Arctic:

Forget about traditional WWII type of warfare, now a couple of guys in a van can bring a $1000 drone to carry out air attack 1800 km. away from home.

Heatwave in Longyearbyen, Svalbard:

But it is not only on Svalbard that it is warmer than usual. From Troms and Finnmark (Norway) Kola Peninsula (Russia) and Northern Lapland (Finland) it has been an unusually warm and dry summer, with wild fire warning issued since late June:

It is not only locally that the effect of this rapid warming of the Arctic region is felt:


The effect of the war in Ukraine is felt even in the Arctic:

Russia’s war on Ukraine has reached the country’s own far northern region of Murmansk:

The Ukraine war is getting closer to home:

China’s Polar Research Institute’s Yellow River Station in Ny-Ålesund has a spectacular view towards the glaciers across the waters in Kongfjorden north on Svalbard. At the entrance, two lion-sculptures are guarding. Photo: Thomas Nilsen*

While I may disagree whether the old Xue Long is an icebreaker or not, it is referred to as such in the media so it is worth noting that it did not sail to the Arctic this summer.

The last European border crossing to/from Russia: